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The Morning News

Sing Out, Louise: Broadway stage hands end strike, all Broadway shows to reopen tonight.

The Great White (and Male) Way: GOP presidential includes testy exchanges on immigration, torture, the gays, and a pledge to blast Hillary Clinton into space. Best debate analysis: Atrios, who writes, “Watching this debate, I hereby predict that the winner of the GOP nomination will be a total asshole.”

Pre-Menopausal Planet: Venus wasn’t always hot and dry.

Poison Minds, Not Bodies: Recalls of lead-tainted children’s toys prompt parents to buy their kids video games for Christmas.

Dick the Halls: Violet Blue’s lists the best sex toys of 2007.

Assisted Suicide: Fourteen year-old Jehovah’s Witness dies after refusing a life-saving blood transfusion. His aunt—who brought the kid into the Jehovah’s Witnesses four years ago—must be so proud.

They Shoot Piano Players: Nordstom doing away with live music in its stores.

Broadway Is Back: I was posting Broadway YouTube clips earlier this week to mourn the shuttering of Broadway shows. Now I’m going to post a Broadway YouTube clip to celebrate Broadway’s return. Yesterday we posted Sutton Foster’s Tony-nominated performance in Drowsy Chaperone. Well, meet her brother Hunter Foster, who starred in the the Tony-winning Urinetown. It’s an amazing show, and he’s an amazing performer.

Comments (17)


“Watching this debate, I hereby predict that the winner of the GOP nomination will be a total asshole.”

Wow, he's really going out on a limb there...

Posted by Mike in MO | November 29, 2007 7:55 AM

Saw this in the sex toys article.

Is it just me or does that look like a really good way to damage your orifices or put an eye out.

nothing like a really long poll, attached to a spring, that your supposed to pound at will mildly distracted by orgasm.

Posted by giffy | November 29, 2007 7:57 AM

Remember when the GOP at least made the facade of trying to attract voters other than old, well-off exurban/rural white guys? I'm glad they've dropped it.

Posted by tsm | November 29, 2007 8:41 AM

Dan, the link on the Venus story is wrong...I only noticed because from the headline I thought it was about Venus Velazquez ;^)

Posted by Paul Andrews | November 29, 2007 8:53 AM

Why no report on Drunkie Jane Hague weaseling her way out of a DUI? Is this not a case of judge shopping?

Posted by DOUG. | November 29, 2007 9:00 AM

I think it's hilarious that the link to the mention of Venus goes to the Republican debate article.

Posted by STJA | November 29, 2007 9:06 AM

Totally off-topic, but why is the GOP live blog not showing? I would love to read it, as I was in traffic during the debate.... =(

Posted by Original Monique | November 29, 2007 9:08 AM

On the same trip to NYC that I saw Sutton Foster in Thoroughly Modern Millie I was fortunate enough to see her brother in Urinetown. God. I love that show.

Posted by Michigan Matt | November 29, 2007 9:14 AM

Thank god broadway is back! I have tickets to see avenue q around new years.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 29, 2007 9:41 AM

Avenue Q is well done, I saw it in June this year. Really cute. The "Bad News Bears" are a hoot. I'm glad the strike is over, Gay Americans can now get back to entertaining the world.

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | November 29, 2007 9:50 AM

FYI, Thers wrote the comment on Atrios' site, not the A-man himself.

Posted by chicagogaydude | November 29, 2007 10:28 AM

Fuck "Avenue Q." You might as well go see the Lion King or Tarzan, or any other Disney related Broadway travisty.

Go see "Rock'N'Roll" starring Brian Cox, if yous want to see theat-ah done right!

Fucking tourists!

Posted by Hal | November 29, 2007 12:07 PM

Hal, when I am going to NYC I will be a tourist.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | November 29, 2007 12:54 PM

My point exactly. Nothing personal, but shows like "Avenue Q" aim directly at small town rubes' ideas of a night on Broadway. With a little research, you could get sooooo much more for your $$$ in terms of artistic merit.

Then again my friends all call me a culture snob, so don' listen to me.

Posted by Hal | November 29, 2007 1:11 PM

Jehovah's Witnesses elders will investigate and disfellowship any Jehovah Witness who takes a blood transfusion,to say the issue is a 'personal conscience matter' is subterfuge to keep the Watchtower out of lawsuits.

Many Jehovah's Witnesses men,women and children die every year worldwide due to blood transfusion ban.Rank & file Jehovah's Witness are indoctrinated to be scared to death of blood.

1) JW's DO USE many parts aka 'fractions' aka components of blood,so if it's 'sacred' to God why the hypocritical contradiction flip-flop?

2) They USE blood collections that are donated by Red cross and others but don't donate back,more hypocrisy.

3) The Watchtower promotes and praises bloodless elective surgeries,this is a great advancement indeed.BUT it's no good to me if I am bleeding to death from a car crash and lose half my blood volume and need EMERGENCY blood transfusion.

Know this,the reason that JW refuse blood is because of their spin on the 3000 year old Biblical old testament,modern medicine will eventually make blood donations and transfusions a thing of the past.When this technology happens it won't vindicate the Jehovah's Witnesses and all the deaths that have occured so far.
The Watchtower's rules against blood transfusions will eventually be abolished (very gradually to reduce wrongful death lawsuit liability) even now most of the blood 'components' are allowed.
In 20 years there will be artificial blood and the Red Cross will go on with other noble deeds.

None of these changes will absolve the Watchtower leaders or vindicate their twisted doctrines
Are there dangers from blood?There are over 500 aspirin deaths in USA yearly.
Danny Haszard born 1957 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness

Posted by Danny Haszard | November 30, 2007 12:50 AM

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Posted by qmbu lfmgxwqy | December 11, 2007 3:42 AM

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Posted by mfvigspwn eclgynxw | December 11, 2007 3:44 AM

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