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Memo to BigHeadDC

This item is more than a little dishonest:

“A federal grand jury has indicted prominent attorney Richard “Dickie” Scruggs on criminal charges that he and other lawyers engaged in a scheme to bribe a judge,” the AP reports. Scruggs is the brother-in-law of Sen. Trent Lott, who abruptly announced his resignation from office on Monday with little explanation. A gay escort later alleged on Big Head DC a possible relationship with the soon-to-be ex-senator.

The gay escorts has alleged no such thing. The gay escort has denied and still denies having had any contacts with Trent Lott whatsoever. You alleged a relationship, and it was your allegation that drew a denial from the gay escort. Granted there’s some odd word choices in the gay escort’s original emails (emails in which he denied having contact with Lott), but there’s no smoking gun, no DNA evidence, no blue dress. There’s no proof. If you have proof—or if the mysterious commenter you mention who alleged that the gay escort and the outgoing senator vacationed together has any proof—then you need to produce it.

But don’t attempt to stuff the original allegation down the throat of the gay escort. It’s your allegation, you made it, and you haven’t been able to produce any proof. Again, if you’ve got proof, out with it. If you don’t, shut the fuck up about this already.

Comments (13)


This story is hopelessly fouled-up, and there's really nothing for it except to post more revealing photos of the gay male escort.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | November 29, 2007 8:29 AM

Time to move on to a new topic. Let's not beat this like a dead horse.

Posted by Just Me | November 29, 2007 8:51 AM

Can't we focus on the Trent Lott vs. new ethics rules angle?

Posted by Greg | November 29, 2007 8:58 AM

But don’t attempt to stuff the original allegation down the throat of the gay escort.

You know when a statement is just *so* open for smart-ass comments, but there are just so many that you can't decide on one? :)

Posted by bma | November 29, 2007 9:31 AM

Seems to me Big Head has a big head, and can't be trusted anymore. That's Weekly World News material.

Posted by Fnarf | November 29, 2007 9:34 AM

I think it would be funny if he blatantly denied posting anything. And kept it on his blog. That would rule.

Posted by Mr. Poe | November 29, 2007 9:36 AM

Has anyone posted Dan's excellently worded post on Big Head's blog? Guess I could check... and do it. Or just lazily post on here. I pick the latter.

Posted by robo | November 29, 2007 10:52 AM

@1-3, 5 & 7: Agreed. We on the hypocrisy busting side of the fence have to be on the lookout for these people. They could:

1) Have good intentions and just fuck things up;
2) Want publicity to stoke their own egos;
3) Actually be agents from the "other side" to place stories so they can say- "look at the homos cry wolf"

In any case, it doesn't help. And like Dan says, until there is actual proof he should shut the fuck up.

Posted by Dave Coffman | November 29, 2007 11:01 AM

We get it, Dan. Next topic. Please.

Posted by Move on | November 29, 2007 11:17 AM

Dan, I don't understand what you're saying. I think your point would be much clearer if you put a picture of a hot escort in posts like this.

Posted by eclexia | November 29, 2007 1:33 PM

I've urged the guy who operates Big Head DC to provide his primary source material, including:

1. HTML copies of the e-mails between him and the escort, with full headers, with that odd phraseology.

2. Evidence of the e-mails and meetings between the escort and Lott.

My instincts tell me that Big Head DC is correct about all of this, but the longer he waits to release the evidence the weaker my instincts will get.

Posted by Charles Wilson | November 29, 2007 3:03 PM

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Posted by evorjy xyjue | December 12, 2007 6:03 PM

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Posted by pciaru rdtls | December 12, 2007 6:04 PM

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