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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Everything, In Two Weekends

posted by on September 5 at 13:29 PM

There’s just too much.


This weekend: TBA in Portland. Who’s performing: a new show by “Awesome,” hiphop from Lifesavas, dancing by, um motherfucking Baryshnikov (who is working as “just another dancer” with Donna Uchizono Company), comedy by Reggie Watts, weird performance by Hand2Mouth, tEEth (pictured, amazing), Kommer, (a funny, surreal play about melancholy by a Dutch company), tons more.

Also this weekend: The Pataphysical New Year at Smoke Farm (two competing plays by Implied Violence, monologues by Joe Von Appen, dance by Jessica Jobaris, tons more).

Also also this weekend: SITE Specific, a new outdoor theater festival at Seattle University with new small plays by Ki Gottberg, Kristen Kosmas, more.

Then next weekend, there’s the Bridge Motel project, more TBA in Portland, the Genius Awards

I shall expire. Pleasantly.

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you forgot one: the affair at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland.

Posted by informer | September 6, 2007 3:47 PM

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