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Monday, September 11, 2006

Things I learned through HUMP:

Posted by on September 11 at 11:18 AM

1. Female ejaculate is more powerful and assertive than the most virile man-goo. I had no idea it could spurt like that. Holy crap. Stand back. That shit is MACHO.

2. Once the fucking starts, most porn looks the same to me. Like pistons firing - totally mechanical. It’s all about the set up. Getting a chance to anticipate someone’s nudity is so much more exciting than the payoff. Unless it’s a vaginal geyser.

3. A paper napkin and a salt shaker can be 100 times more stimlulating than a real penetration scene. Who knew? Hooray for phallic condiments!

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I belatedly read all the post and comments about HUMP over the weekend. Damn, I am jealous! How I wish St Louis was as progressive as Seattle. Sigh...

Mike, I take that comment as a little tongue-in-cheek. I've lived in both places and St. Louis's art scene, esp. among the critical writing, is 10x that of Seattle.

Bringing gay porn to the masses is the best the Stranger art department can do, but we're still rootin for ya!

I've been waiting for this opportunity. WHAT THE HELL is with all the female squirting? What is it? Think of Fucking Seattle (if you went to HUMP). That woman must have had 10 orgasms, everyone of them juicier than the next. Can a vagina really produce that much? By the 3rd or 4th orgasm, most men are lucky to dribble a few drops.

Enlighten me, please.

BH's GF: You're right, The Lou has a great art scene, but sexually, we are living in the 50's...

Don't confuse "female ejaculation" with "female urination."

Go to Wikipedia and search female ejaculation for more info...

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