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Friday, September 15, 2006

London Calling

Posted by on September 15 at 14:24 PM


I’m in London and Patrick Swayze is performing in Guys and Dolls in the West End. Eat your hearts out, suckers.

But I didn’t come to see Swayze. I came to see the Scissor Sisters in Trafalgar Square tomorrow night. I’ve known the lead singer—Jason then, Jake now—since he was a 15 year-old gay kid going to Northwest School. The Scissors Sisters are absofuckinglutely huge here, and it’s fun getting to be part of Jason’s entourage for the weekend. This is the first time in my life—and will be, without a doubt, the last time in my life—that I’ve been able to walk into clubs and recording studios and onto stages and say, “I’m with the band.”

If you haven’t heard the Scissor Sister’s new album yet—Ta-Dah—go get your hands on one as soon as it’s released in the states. It’s fucking tremendous.

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Jake is from Seattle and the Northwest School? What's his family do? What neighborhood is he from?

Yup: See here.

why was dan hanging out with a 15 year old?

We hung out after Jason called my radio show and asked me if he should come out to his parents. I told him he should. It didn't go well. So when he called back to ask "What now?", I got his phone number off the air and sicked my mother on his mother.

Jason, when he was a kid, would come to me and my boyfriend for advice—mostly about stuff he couldn't ask his parents about, or didn't want to ask them about. We met his parents, and they approved of us, and were comfortable with Jason hanging out with us.

It was, I assure you, entirely platonic. I don't think we would still be friends if we had abused his trust—or him—at fifteen.

Have a wonderful, wonderful time, Dan! I love the Scissor Sisters to bits and pieces. I'm going to be in Italy when they play their two shows here in Seattle and I'm just shattered to miss them. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll come back around later in the tour. Tell Ana Matronic that she is my style icon. Fab. U. Lous.

I love the "I knew him when stories". It sounds to me like if it weren't for Dan Savage there'd be no Scissor Sisters. You've got a real Rock Star Resume entry Dan. Not only did you make The Stranger into what it is today, you created a famous rock band. Not many writers can honestly say they knew a famous musician before they were famous. I just love Dan Savage sooo...much. Seattle would be crap without The Stranger and Dan Savage.

Where exactly did Dan claim that he made the Scissor Sisters?

If it "sounds to" you like Dan is claiming credit for Jason's success then you have hearing problems.

Broiling with jealousy.

Without Dan Savage the Scissor Sistors wouldn't exist. Gay teenagers are an at risk population. Dan saved a gay teenager. Dan Savage single handedly built The Stranger too. He's my hero!


Bravo, Dan!

Have an exceptionally enjoyable time in London. I, for one, am exceedingly jealous.

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