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Monday, August 28, 2006

“Sports Corset”!?!

Posted by on August 28 at 12:21 PM

Oh, yes.

With real boning and laces.

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The wilful ignorance, preconceived notions, plain blindness, and yes, even racism of that essay defies belief.

The author must not have seen the Sharapova commercial all the way to the end, because there's no way she could have completely misconstrued its meaning otherwise. Yes, they are singing "I Feel Pretty". But at the end the song is silenced with an astonishing burst of power off her racket. Because Sharapova is not "pretty good" at tennis; she's a recent No. 1 and Player of the Year.

She's currently ranked higher than the "magnificent" Serena Williams, who, we are told is "well beyond the bounds of 'feminine'". Because why? Is it the big booty that Twisty thinks is so admirably unfeminine? Or something, uh, darker? I know a few people who would disagree rather strenuously.

And the corset is a support garment and makes perfect sense. Ask a woman with big boobs and a bad back who wants to play sports.

Umm, I'd wear one. But I'm an empowerful faggot.

that essay reeked of ignorant biatch.


Drop the hypocritical, feminist, bullshit. I have a feeling your making a lot more than many of the other staffers at The Stranger.

Paul, you're as smart as a turnip.

I would wear one. Most sports clothes are so stretchy, my chest gets no support at all and thus, I might actually jog or run if I had something like this.

Please do not interpret my comments as signifying any kind of alignment with "Paul of Seattle".

Oh, for fuck's sake. I think that's gotta be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Fuck Nike.

And fuck that blogger for even suggesting that Serena Williams isn't feminine!

to fnarf:
well you wear one for a while, that might change tour tune, but most likely not because you couldn't hack it, just like substantial's out of your realm.

to paul in seattle:
yeah how dare ecb make as much(or more)as "tha boys" ...she must be one of those uppity bitches, right?


fnarf and paul, you're wasting your time, these aren't rational people, they're literally of the mind that you're completely worthless as a human being incapable of any redemptive qualities.

The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
so trying to talk to them is a bit pointless, isn't it?

charles; red herring aside, about your delusions of emasculation, forget about it, the scum manifesto represents someone about as stable as say ted bundy, gary ridgeway, or other misogynistic types you and the media fawn over.

feminism as i see it doesn't want to take the multitude of peni away, perhaps just get down to what causes some men, on some level, to want to control, subjugate, or have power over others?

they're not out to get your balls;
it's your smallminedness they're after.

32DD -- That corset won't give any support worth a damn. Heck, the straps are removable to "offer additional wear options", according to Nike. I think they mean "to wear to clubs".

I'm a 32HH cup, and I run, rollerblade, and play rugby. You want support? Try a Shock Absorber bra -- ugly as hell, but I care about performance in my sports clothing, not looks. And the performance on the Shock Absorbers delivers.

I doubt that Nike corset delivers anything but pointless pretty.

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