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Friday, August 18, 2006

“Our House is NOT Skanky!”

Posted by on August 18 at 10:38 AM

EXITheatre, which likes to make theater outside of theaters (a disaster play on a fire escape, a thriller in a car) is performing a reality show, which looks a lot like MTV’s The Real World, in a house. Specifically, the house occupied by one Davida Marion (a former Stranger intern who knows more about conjoined twins than you do), who writes about the experience (including a keg of beer and medical impossibilities) here.

Joe Adcock’s review of the play, wherein he insults Davida’s house is here:

All this and much, much more is part of “7 Strangers: Season 3, Episode 1,” a production by EXITheatre that takes place in a skanky house on Capitol Hill.

Davida’s rightfully angry response, written as a postscript to a party invitation, is here:

Also, contrary to what the poorly-written review in the PI (sample sentence: “Later on, the couch in the dining room comes in for a bit of inconclusive flirting.” What does that mean? Does the couch flirt? Inconclusively?) our house is NOT skanky. Our house does NOT sleep around. So, in case you were worried about our house being dressed all slutty and hitting on you, you have nothing to fear.

For shame, Mr. Adcock. For shame.

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Ok, the house IS NOT skanky!! But some mildly skanky flirting does happen on couch in the bar. (Yes! The awesome, un-skanky house has a bar!)

You can see the slighly skanky flirting and Bible Yoga for just $10 tonight and tomorrow and all next weekend!

Go see it!

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