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Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Give ‘em the Boot!

Posted by on August 2 at 9:38 AM

Someone is getting kicked of Project Runway tonight for breaking the rules. Tim Gunn is pissed.

Thoughts on who? And why? And does this mean they’ll bring Malan back!?

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NO. no malan. i am almost positive that malan is going to rape a child at some point in his life, and that creepiness is just unavoidable.

I hear that Keith straight-up traced the sketches he showed at auditions from photos of someone else's fashion show...

I love watching TV and am so sick of hearing everyone at work talk about politics and the war. Some people say it's WWIII starting. So What? As long as network television keeps broadcasting, and my paychecks keep coming, the only war I care about is the Fashion war on television! I love TV!

alithea, how DARE you say that about the real life WILLY WONKA!

Maybe they catch Vincent with a bag of liberty caps, or Jeffrey waist-deep in a pile of blow. I'm hoping for something good like that, anyway. If we're really lucky, it's something sexual, like Alison gets caught choking down Michael, or maybe Laura plays "bad mommy" with Keith. We can only pray for such amusements.

I hope it's Keith for any reason. I thought Malan was the creepy one, but he ended up just being hysterically overly melodramtic ("Where will I go now?", "I never had any friends.", "My mother...").
Keith however, SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME! The guy is a megalomaniac and I have a feeling he's extremely dangerous. Seriously, I'm really worried he's gonna beat up Bradley, you guys...

I can't believe they've been teasing us with the Tim-is-pissed (Keith-stole-ideas) plot for three weeks. It's gonna be anticlimactic now.

The wild speculation out there in blog-land over tonight's episode is almost as entertaining as the show itself. Not since the Zapruder film has every frame of available footage been so carefully scrutinized for clues.

My theory: Vincent is from outer space and will be told to return to his home planet.

Angela gots to go! She made me feel bad for Vincent, who is quite possibly the most annoying individual in all of reality television (KOOKY HAT WHA??). Her whole "Sorry Miss USA, I don't sketch," moment?? What was that?

I heard that Keith says he submitted those sketches to the judges as part of a research project he'd included in his portfolio and that all the judges were aware that those were not his original works.


"I've been saying goodbye to people all my life.."


d'ya think Tim Gunn got a bad blow job from guy X and the resulting disappointment was then parlayed into a "trying to coerce the judges with sexual favors" scandal and that's what got him kicked off?

I think you're all missing the bigger point...


In my dream world, Malan comes back. He was so deliciously creepy. I kept imagining he and Cruella de Architect would team up and refuse to share their caviar and Botox with the rest of the contestants.

I think its Michael. He was practically non-exisitent in the last episode, and my theory is that they did that because they were preparing us for his eventual boot!

Zapruder film, funny!

Malan... poor sad clown. Come back!

It's a team-based challenge tonight.

I bet someone tries to sabotage another team's outfits.

Cruella de Architect! Ha! I'm definitely stealing that one.

From Tim Gunn's blog on

"And please let me put some rampant speculation to rest. It seems that everyone now knows about the sketchbook in which Keith presents copies of the work of other fashion designers. Nina, Heidi, Michael and I all noted this when we reviewed the portfolios of the semi-finalists. Keith presented four to six sketchbooks and look-books (I can’t recall the exact number), and we assumed that this particular book was for inspiration. Fashion Designers have a responsibility to look at the design work around them. Many make notes or illustrations of the work that appeals to them. It’s not at all unusual. So, for us, that sketchbook was and continues to be a non-issue."

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