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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Project Runway Tonight

Posted by on July 19 at 9:45 AM

Okay. So. Think they’ll get rid of crazy “Basket Hat” Vincent?

UPDATE: Or will it be last week’s winning desiger Keith, who, as Schamder reported yesterday, steals other designers designs? In his defense, he claims the “borrowed” sketches were part of a “research” project. Uh huh.

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If I have to choose between watching Project Runway or news about the War - The fashion war is a lot more interesting to me and just as important. Why not have fun. Anyone have ideas about what snacks to serve to friends watching Project Runway with me?

pot brownies and cyanide laced milk.

I can't wait!

Spoil sports who don't like Project Runway and expect the rest of us to wear hairshirts just because there's a war going on can sue me. I'd serve an artisian cheese plate with some local wines to guests and enjoy every minute of the fashion and excitement.

"reported" is a funny way to put "pinched off gawker"

oh man, you have to hear tim gunn's podcast. it's super revealing.

yeah lol we all believe him

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