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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mouth grills and Beat Kids!

Posted by on July 11 at 14:46 PM

I was just reading about students in Arlington, TX, who have been banned from wearing ear gauges and mouth grills at school. It’s the same generational clash that all rebellious teenagers face: students cry “self expression” teachers preach “modesty” and “them’s the rules”, but what really piqued my interest was the mention of mouth grills.

I had no idea what a mouth grill is, and I dote on teeth (and teeth accessories). Apparently, mouth grills are popular enough to be banned from schools; why haven’t I ever heard of them?

A quick Google search led me to Mr. Bling, and Wow! Here’s a set for $1,380:


And here’s my favorite, for only $420:


It’s gotta take guts and a pretty sharp sense of humor to pull off the flashy beauty and utter ridiculousness of the mouth grill. Shame on the Arlington school district for stomping on budding student creativity and oral pride. We know who’s to blame if those fabulous grills are melted down for hookers and heroin.

Oh, and here’s another reason kids are grand.

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Normally, I'm totally behind free expression, but these things should be banned for two reasons - A). They're SUPER UGLY! and B). no teenager should be spending $400 plus of their parent's hard-earned $$ on something this SUPER UGLY!

On the other hand, if they can prove it's their own money they're wasting, then I say - UGLY UP, UP, AND AWAY!

While I don't morally agree with grills being banned, I wish that they had been at my high school. Four years of kids who thought wearing flashy grills made them tough and ghetto rather than moronic sheeps with slurred speech was more than enough. That kind of attitude should be saved until at least one's mid-twenties.

So mouth grills have been around for awhile, Huzzah? Where the fuck have I been?! Grill-less in Idaho and suffering for it, I suppose.

God. I feel so unhip.

Back in my day. . . kids got made fun of for wearing crap in their mouth (braces, retainers). What's next? Headgear made from the bones of endangered species?

They're called "fronts" for a reason...

apparently cienna missed the hip-hop hit last year titled "grillz".

as someone who is from north texas (10 minutes from arlington), i have to say, i'm not surprised this is a problem. its the dirty south, afterall. and these kids aren't spending their parents money, i'm sure.


"Shame on the Arlington school district for stomping on budding student creativity and oral pride."

Budding creativity? Flavor Flav's been wearing them since most of these kids were in diapers, if not before they were born.

I'll bet they smell nice too.

Grills have been a part of pop culture since at least 1999 with BG's hit single "Bling Bling" and probably well before that. (Remember that song? It's the mainstream origin of the word "bling" and -- catching on a few years later -- the reason that white kids started saying the word "bling" and thinking they were cool. Hint: they're not.) Hmmm... sounds like a little too much time in the Capitol Hill / KEXP bubble if you've never heard of 'em.

this is all you need to know.

Too bad these kids can't all have would probably cure them of any desire to wear metal mouth accessories. Unless kids with braces are considered sporting sweet grillz?

Just to display my faggotry: as Lorelai Lee says in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "I just love finding new places to wear diamonds..."

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