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Thursday, June 15, 2006

“Don’t Poll Facts. Just Sound Bites.”

Posted by on June 15 at 17:34 PM

Nancy Drew has an item in this week’s In Other News about the Elway poll numbers re: the Sonics (first reported here on Slog.)

Nancy wrote:

New polling, done by local pollster Stuart Elway, has some devastating, although not surprising, news for the Sonics: 78 percent of those polled would be a-okay if the Sonics left town. Just 15 percent wanted them to stay. The poll asked whether voters were “more inclined [to] let the Sonics leave Seattle” than to pay for a KeyArena renovation with “taxes.”

However, Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis, who’s working behind the scenes to hammer out a deal to keep the Sonics in town, was skeptical of the poll, telling the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that the question was framed to elicit a negative take on the Sonics by spinning it as a choice between raising taxes or letting the team leave. Given that raising taxes is exactly what the Sonics are demanding, it’s not clear how Ceis would have worded the question differently. NANCY DREW

We had called Ceis for a comment on this story. That is, we wanted him to tell us how he would have worded the question differently. Well, he finally called back today to tell us. Ceis said you don’t get an accurate poll result from a single question. You have to explain the talking points on both sides of the issue. As he saw it, you had to explain the Sonics’ side—they’re losing money on this lease deal. And then explain the POV of those who are against the subsidy—it’s debatable how much a sports team really contributes to the economy.

I suggested that there was more to the nay side than just a question about the Sonics’ contribution to the local economy… that the real issue was this: The current lease is also a shitty deal for the city because we’re losing $2.3 million a year, still paying off the renovation we funded for the Sonics in 1995. (We’re not supposed to be paying it off… the Sonics are!). In short, the real issue is that the public is sick of subsidizing a private business that hasn’t lived up to its end of the bargain. Why would we want to do that again, especially when we have other needs that are going unmet?

Ceis said: “Facts don’t matter in a poll, you just have to test both sides’ sound bites.”

I’ll keep that in mind when Team Nickels releases its own polling on the viaduct tunnel option or the mayor’s $1.8 billion transportation levy. When they trot out their winning numbers, I’ll know it’s based on their craftier sound bite.

Meanwhile, I asked Ceis if there was, indeed, a Sonics deal in the works.

He said: “We’re not commenting publicly now. When this issue was being debated in public, it was just raising temperatures.” He said nothing would be announced this month.

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So I don't sign petitions for anything because I'm a crappy citizen and the only time petitions are presented to me are when dirty people toss them in my face on the street, usually when I am on my way to go record shopping or eat a nice dinner.

But isn't there some petition that mandates that we DO NOT subsidize the Sonics? Aren't people gathering signatures for this right now? I've said this before in Slog: I am a lifetime fan of the Sonics, but their demands are outrageous and abusive to the city they claim to call home.

Is there a way for the citizens to revolt so that we can make paying for the Sonics illegal or something? Naturally, if we leave it to the city (or even STATE) government, at least if history repeats itself, we'll be on the hook for whatever they want.

I'm posting this because I hope it will be helpful for me and others like me. Can you break down, in one post, the pros and cons and what we can do to help whichever side we believe in? I just don't even know what I am supposed to do and as much as I love Safeco (which I voted for, but the majority of my peers did not), I don't want to watch the government trample the people's wishes once more, especially not for this. I want to pay for anything that makes the city money or that makes it easier for me to drive/ take transit to work. I do not want to pay for a basketball team that has fooled me once already.

I am glad you are seeing that the wording in polls can dictate the results. And good to see the connection next time Nickels trots out his "poll" on something else.

I get irritated when a Republican or Democrat complains about a poll result (national level) when it doesn't give the answer it wants. I also believe the complainer is correct that the poll was skewed.

in other words, Ceis has a deal almost done with the Sonics that should be released in early July. I wonder how much public money it gives to the billionaires.

I love that quote about how polls are just to test both sides' sound bites. Rarely do you get a true glimpse into the narrow, self-interested motives of politicians. That speaks volumes about how they think.

Something else from that poll was supposed support for the "price" of the RTID and ST measure in 2007. My only comments here about that are: I'm sure that question was designed to elicit support, and 2) when the politicking for that measure starts up in earnest, for goodness' sake make sure Sound Transit explains what Phase I ACTUALLY is expected to cost in taxes (it said the taxes for the system would be about $2B when the voters were told about it in 1996, now it will not even say how many ADDITIONAL billions in taxes Phase I is expected to cost).

gosh, mr. ceis, me and old toothy joe, why we don't be no good smart. why, what the mayor says, good enough to us.

mr. bush in the other washington, why he is right on by my money and old toothy doesn't care fo what no man says about mr. bush.

I knows to watch the teevee, the news says what the mayor and mr. bush says, so only stupid people think they know better.

gosh, mr. ceis, me and old toothy joe, why we don't be no good smart. why, what the mayor says, good enough to us.

mr. bush in the other washington, why he is right on by my money and old toothy doesn't care fo what no man says about mr. bush.

I knows to watch the teevee, the news says what the mayor and mr. bush says, so only stupid people think they know better.

here was the question they asked,"Do you support your money, in the sum of 8 Quatrillion dollars, going to support a sucky basketball team owned by a man who is sleeping with your wife/husband when you are at work."

Jeez Josh, I dont see why Ceis would find that biased....

Kevin: A nice little old lady was collecting signatures for it when I was having lunch at Uwajimaya on Wednesday. I signed it and two others she had, but not the state measure repealing the "death tax". I also saw the anti-Sonics petition on a monorail-initiative-style A-board right by the Mirabeau Room in QA a few weeks ago. So, they're out there.

I don't know why Josh has such a hard time talking with Ceis - I never have any problem doing that.

But, if they can't explain why you should vote for a giant tax we don't need in a short soundbite, they're already dead on election day, no matter how you slice it.

You can request your own personal copy of the Sonics stopping Initiative 91 at Copy will be in same days mail...

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