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Saturday, June 3, 2006

815 Pine Street

Posted by on June 3 at 13:56 PM


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By design? Structural failure?

Earthquake proofing? The building that ate itself?

City construction is doing MAJOR work (God, how I miss the bus tunnel!) right across the street, so there is that added stress factor...

That doesn't mean I have yet to rule out any of the possible causes in the following list:

1) A crane operator under the influence

2) Deadly attack from above from: aliens/meteors/Godzilla.

3) Illegal fireworks

amy kate horn is a young black actress who has appeared in many commercials and has recently received a callback for the waiting to exhale wb series...gluck amy kate!

Impressive resume Amy with TV commercials and a WB series! Why not write a feature about being in TV commercials? It's many American's dream to be on TV like that and it'd be fascinating to hear what it's like. What products were in the commercials? I'd like to watch for you.

LOL @ Cha Cha...that is very creative!

Found to be loose and removed as a precaution.

Word on the street is that Sound Transit is going to demolish the building soon. It appears they are saving the terra-cotta facade. I've been thus far unable to every catch anyone actually working on the project but plan to ask questions when I do.

Also, I HATE TV, especially the commercials.

I went by the building yesterday - it appears that the facade is being put up? It looks more complete than in these photos. There must be an official source on this out there...

No way--it has been progressively losing pieces for the past week and a half, anyway. I'm eagerly awaiting an explanation from Sound Transit. I also wrote to Historic Seattle to see if the building has any special preservation-worthy designation but I haven't heard back.

The building is NOT owned by Sound Transit; it's a private redevelopment project. I'm still investigating...

Mystery solved: The 815 Pine building is still owned by the Andonian family, who own the (recently relocated to South Lake Union) Pande Cameron rug company. They've hired a local demolition specialist to carefully remove and preserve the terra-cotta facade for future reinstallation at the site. No permits for redevelopment or change of use at this address are on file with the city yet.

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