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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Requiem for an Orgasmatron

Posted by on May 18 at 8:35 AM

It pains me to report that this weekend’s screening of Sleeper at the Sci-fi Museum (which, er, I was slated to host, instead of the lovely and talented Tim Appelo) has been cancelled, due to a change in management. For those still wanting to hear my trenchant thoughts on Woody Allen’s one indisputable comedic masterpiece (The goddamn cheap Japanese Jet Pack! The Killer Pudding! The Giant Banana Peel gag! “Nobody move, or the nose gets it!”), I’ll be happy to hold forth at any given opportunity. My speaking fee? Malt Liquor. No Mickey’s.

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I might hold you to that promise, Andrew. Would a 40 of Olde English HG 800 suffice?

Oh, I so want to be there! I'll buy the 2nd torpedo - St. Ives.

BTW, what "change in management"?

& Don't forget Rags the Dog!

"Woof. Woof. Hello, I'm Rags."

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