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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Knitta Please!

Posted by on May 16 at 12:28 PM

It looks like ITMFA is being embraced by the “fiber arts community.” Abigail spotted this post on Needles & Hooks , one of the cool knitting blogs she checks out every day…

I’m a big fan of Dan Savage. He’s the Editor of The Stranger, a Seattle weekly paper. He’s also widely known for his frank and amusing weekly sex advice column, Savage Love…. Often people write to him asking about a relationship and it’s clear from the description in the letter that the writer is being taken advantage of. Dan’s primary advice is “DTMFA” (dump the motherfucker already). In recent months, in response to Dan’s continued frustration with American politics, and most importantly, the man at the top, a reader suggested ITMFA (I=Impeach). It’s a grass roots movement, and he encourages people to make their own ITMFA projects. He sells lapel pins and buttons (donating proceeds to the ACLU), many have gotten license plates, made bumper stickers, and designed t-shirts.

I decided that there had to be a fiber contribution:


Wow! What beautiful work, Needles & Hooks! There’s a link to a PDF of N&H’s ITMFA pattern on her website. And, hey, I’d love to have one to hang on my wall here at ITMFA HQ…

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I stitched the one in the photo for you, Dan, glad you like it. I just need a mailing address to send it to....

These people have way too much time on their hands that could be put to better use doing work that will create actual political change.

The Republicans must love this. While Republicans organize, focus their energies on activities that bring them even more power - we have the spectacle of "look at the pretty cross stitch I made with liberal slogans on it."

It's entirely possible, Too Much Time, that Amy is politically active and also makes time to knit—or needlepoint. Political activism and relaxing hobbies are not mutually exclusive.

One of the things that has made the right successful, in my opinion, has been their ability—their willingness—to make politics enjoyable for their true believers. You can have fun and have ideals, act on your political beliefs and have a good time too.

The sourness of some on the left to pleasure or humor is one of the reasons why the left has a hard time attracting activists. Thank God that the Internet came along—and people like Kos. His convention—Yearly Kos (we're sending a reporter)—is in fucking Las Vegas. You know what? I bet when folks are finished with the speeches and panels and networking—all the hard work—they're going to make time for gambling, drinking, dancing, and fucking.

And there's nothing wrong with that. But if all you saw from Yearly Kos was pictures of people having a ball, you would say, "Hey, the Republicans must love this! Look at these people enjoying themselves! They have way too much time on their hands!"

And you know what else? If we make eschewing all pleasurably pastimes the price of being politically active and taken seriously, no one is going to be politically active. And those occasions when people combine their political opinions with their pleasures should be celebrated, not condemned.


I thought spreading the message was one important way to effect political change. And a message has to go out in many languages. When I first e-mailed my photo to Dan, I called it "Something for the Red States". Wanna guess how many "WWJD" or "Support Our Troops" knitting and stitching projects are out there?

No one complained about the t-shirt designs or the hours people stood in line to get a new custom license plate. But I spend 2 hours stitching while watching Jon Stewart and I'm wasting my time. Yes, I should have been reading Slog. Or watching FoxNews.

Okay, now it's time to go dig out my old Styx album and waste some more.

Fuck yeah, STYX! Which album you listening to... or were you being facetious?

My flamer signed themselves "Too much time on their hands", so "Paradise Theater" was only appropriate. But it seems my awesome laser-etched vinyl never migrated to my CD collection and iTunes doesn't sell it. Damn, I have to hit a real store tonight.

got it if you wanna borrow it.

"Go Sparky, go!"

Josh Feit just uttered the words "borrowed time". There's some sort of STYX synchronicity going on...

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