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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Go to This Thing

Posted by on May 16 at 15:40 PM

So far, the city’s presentations to the City Council on the three viaduct replacement proposals have been informative, but a bit of a snooze. (And not exactly objective and unbiased: If you didn’t already know which option the city preferred, hearing Seattle DOT head Grace Crunican describe the elevated replacement option as “a significant visual and psychological barrier between the waterfront and downtown” yesterday would have answered that question).

For a more entertaining presentation (and a more sustainable transportation vision than the car-centric model that’s currently driving the city’s transportation decisions), go to a panel discussion at Town Hall next Monday featuring John Norquist, the articulate, entertaining former Milwaukee mayor whose administration tore down a waterfront freeway in 2001, and Scott Bernstein, co-founder of the Surface Transportation Policy Project. The event starts at 7:30 pm and costs five bucks.

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I could've sworn there was some city-wide polling conducted recently on the viaduct replacement, and the rebuild won out. I don't even know if the no-build was presented as an option. Anyone know about this?

For that matter, anyone have a sense of where Seattle public opinion is on viaduct replacement? I suppose you can't judge by the people who come out to meetings and write letters -- just the vocal minority.

LOLfest. This not going to be a biased presentation at all :P

I don't think opinions count until you ask people to pay.

There is no money for a tunnel and the City knows better than to ask for the >$2 billion it would take as it would be defeated decisively.

Is this at "Town Hall" or at City Hall?

Town Hall Town Hall.

What’s wrong with the city’s transportation director expressing informed opinions based on her experience and knowledge? I’m pretty sure that’s her job. Asking planners (or engineers or architects or whomever) to ignore their “opinions” is essentially asking them to ignore what they have learned over the course of their careers.

It's ironic that Erica made that statement, since she hasn’t exactly made much of an effort to be unbiased or objective in her reporting on the viaduct.

Have to respond to the Milwaukee thing too. The freeway that was torn down there didn't really connect to much and carried very little traffic. There was no reason for it to exist.

It was a great decision to tear the thing down, and Norquist and others should be commended for that. But it was also a relatively easy decision (okay...probably not easy, but obvious). I don't think it did much to make Milwaukee less "car-centric" though.

Oh...BTW, the freeway Milwaukee tore down wasn't on the waterfront. Not that it matters.

Well shit, Erica, an elevated viaduct is “a significant visual and psychological barrier between the waterfront and downtown”

No debate there. Elevated freeways are ugly and a new one will be bigger and uglier. I can't believe this is even an option in Seattle. Damn, we are dumb...

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