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Monday, May 15, 2006

Cattle Cars

Posted by on May 15 at 13:41 PM

George W. Bush says we can’t round up and deport the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States. Defeatist! This is America, fuck yeah! We can do anything! We can round up those 11 million illegal immigrants—or so says right-wing columnist Vox Day—novelist, libertarian, and ” member of the SFWA, Mensa and the Southern Baptist church.”

[Bush] he lied when he said: “Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic — it’s just not going to work.”

Not only will it work, but one can easily estimate how long it would take. If it took the Germans less than four years to rid themselves of 6 million Jews, many of whom spoke German and were fully integrated into German society, it couldn’t possibly take more than eight years to deport 12 million illegal aliens, many of whom don’t speak English and are not integrated into American society.

Don’t want illegals picking your food, raising your children, and making your beds? Round `em up, America, pack `em into cattle cars, and “rid” the country of them! That’s how Hitler solved Germany’s “Jewish problem,” why can’t we do the same to solve our immigration problem? The United States is already torturing prisoners and spying on it’s own citizens—just like Herr Hitler!—so why shouldn’t we act like Nazis if it will solve our illegal immigration problem too?

Holy crap.

I don’t know whether the American right is consciously trying to deliver the entire Hispanic vote to the Democrats for the next six generations, but that’s exactly what they’re doing.

Via Americablog.

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Halliburton has a $385 million contract to build "detention centers" across the country, each able to hold up to 5,000 people to provide for "establishing temporary detention and processing the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S."

It is funny (not really, it is actually quite disturbing) that he uses The Final Solution as his basis for comparison.

When I was in high school, I used to wonder how the Nazis duped an entire counrty into following them. Now I know.

Just wait 'til an illegal kills someone. We are going to see Nationalism really rear its ugly head.

Isn't that just like America? Instead of spending a fraction of that amount to provide semi-decent housing for migrant laborers, we give dump truck loads full of cash to an incestuous Gov'mint contractor to provide "temporary detention" facilities to incarcerate those same itinerant workers.

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot: Anyone else find the timing of W's Big Speech tonight interesting? Just when the NSA revalations are coming out, W takes the stage to talk about...Mexicans!!!

Hahahaha, he actively used the work of Hitler's Nazi Germans as a positive example in his argument, in a published op-ed piece. I am in disbelief.

Let's ignore the complete hatred inherent in this guy's line of reasoning for a minute...He's wrong because Germany didn't have 6 million Jews before WW2, it was closer to 1 million. Most of those exterminated came from Austria, Poland, Hungary, and the Soviet Union. I suppose we could invade Mexico and rid them of all the Mexicans in order to logically follow his rather crooked line of reason...

What an asshole.

I wouldn't call it a "published op-ed piece". WorldNetDaily isn't much more than Free Republic with the illusion of "journalism". Lots of crazy shit gets posted there.

And the ads are fucking hilarious. "Christian fighting system"? I'm guessing it's *not* optimum techniques for turning the other cheek.

So much for MENSA.

What I don't see is any suggestion of how we could pull off the trick of sending the migrants south without sending their jobs with them. The right seems to assume the jobs stay here when in reality they would end up in Mx (baja produce driving CA out of the market almost entirlely - something that is already expected to happen by mid century even with the migrant) or China.
All of that is fine by me, I'm already rather fond of Mexican chicken.

Thank you for reminding your readers of the Holocaust. It can happen again, and it starts when people are afraid to speak out about the kind of racism and antisemitism we've seen this week in Seattle Weekly.

The Holocaust could happen again and we must be reminded every day of the suffering of our people, that is the only way to be vigilant.

There's a reason it's commonly referred to as "WorldNut Daily." It's one step below the Weekly World News - it's the WWW without humor.

Wow. Just: wow. If the Endloesung was good enough for us Jews, homos, and lefties... I guess it's good enough for immigrants.

Oh, Shoshana. Please shut up. Your posts are making me want to slap the first Jew I see—which is, uh, Josh Feit. I won't slap him though because he would probably slap me back.

Shoshana has a point and many jewish people would agree with her the importance of constant remembrances of the holocaust. The racism at Seattle Weekly may seem unimportant to some people, but the holocaust begins when people do not speak up. Thank you Shoshana and Erica for speaking up even though you are called names and have people threatening you with physical violence. The Weekly is racist and antisemitic.

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