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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Re: DIY Abortion

Posted by on March 15 at 12:02 PM

Dan, Annie, don’t even get me started. Well, I guess I have.

Before I entered the music industry, I worked at Planned Parenthood as a clinical researcher and counselor for four years. The number of calls I took from women in the mid-’90s asking about the proper dosage of pennyroyal tea horrified me (sorry gals, there is none—it’s generally ineffective and frequently toxic). However, I was always sympathetic and news like this makes me want to simultaneously vomit, cry, and abandon my post as a music journalist, as melodramatic as that may sound.

I am on the board of directors for a remarkable local organization that far too few people know about called C.A.I.R. We provide funding for women who need abortions, which includes helping women outside of Washington state obtain safe and (as of now) legal abortions. We can’t help everyone, but thankfully, we are not entirely alone. There are a number of non-profits that assist women with not only medical costs, but transportation and lodging expenses—essential funds for women living in anti-choice states. Women living in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon should contact the C.A.I.R. Project directly at (888) 644-CAIR (we are available 24 hours a day). Women outside the northwest should reach out to the National Network of Abortion Funds.

Speaking frankly (and not on behalf of the C.A.I.R. board), I don’t want to see the necessity for a D.I.Y. abortion network to evolve, but I am starting to fear it may be inevitable. Should it come to that, I’ll do everything I can to support it, as frightening as that prospect may be.

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DIY Abortions - Sure, women self-prescribing herbs to induce abortions may not be the best idea ever. But come on. Do we think doctors invented abortions? Women have been inducing abortions with herbal concoctions since the beginning of time. And there are safe and effective herbal options available. Talk to a natropath. They'll tell you.

"Natropath" abortions are bunk. Hannah's right. Check the list; it's full of stuff that's either ineffective or dangerous or both. Rosemary? Do you want to stake your future on an overdose of fucking rosemary? See a damn doctor. Oh, wait, that's right: in Bush's brave new world doctoring is illegal.

It sounds kind of like pioneering. It reminds of that guy in Alaska who took out his own appendix with a spoon. Can't recommend it, but if there are no other options except death, you do what you have to do.

This is not how I pictured the Foxfire/Whole Earth Catalog scenario panning out.

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