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Friday, March 3, 2006


Posted by on March 3 at 17:04 PM

That’s how much the King County council’s interim chief of staff, Shelley Sutton, is being paid. (Former chief of staff Scott White, who made $121,271, left earlier this year.) When I called to confirm that I had Sutton’s salary right, council spokesman Frank Abe initially said, “that’s alarming,” adding, “I hope that’s not true.” In a subsequent phone call, Abe said it was standard county policy to give a 5 percent raise to employees, like Sutton, who take on additional duties. Sutton’s $8,600 pay hike actually amounts to a 6.5% raise from the $132,000 she made as the council’s policy staff director.

Attempting to clarify his initial reaction, Abe told me that if he had “expressed any surprise, it’s because [Sutton’s salary] is more than the council members make”—$27,137 more. Last year, voters reduced the county council from 13 members to nine; but staffing levels, and salaries, have continued to climb.

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Some years back, one of the dailies ran a study of the county payroll and found the highest paid employees were half a dozen high-seniority jail guards who collected tens of thousands of dollars in overtime benefits per year.

why the hell does everyone get bent out of shape about public employees making a comparable wage to run our government effectively. I would speculate that it is not an easy job and that you have to be skilled, experienced and educated. The person in this position probably has to be available to Councilmembers 24/7 and probably works 7 days a week 10-12 hours a day minimum. Get over it people. It costs money to have dedicated, skilled, experienced, educated people running our most important programs. Damn!

Keep going Erica. What is Scott White going to do in Sims' office to justify what will be a similar salary? Also, Rod Brandon used to be in Sims' office, but for the past 2 years he's been charging around $120K per year to various county agencies - and for what?

To "so what," its not the salary but the result. Every year the County takes in more money but produces fewer results. Check out the Council's actual workload, posted at the Council's website, to see if what they actually do matches what you guess they probably do.

This kind of bull is what adds to the whole anti-government sentiment. "Look at these high paid government workers...isn't it terrible?". I hate this kind of crap. It undermines our ability to recruit and keep good people in the public sector.

Listen, highly educated bright people are needed for some government jobs. These people deserve to be paid a wage comensurate with their education, experince and the demands of the job. I am sure the KC COS puts in about 80 hours a week.

Get over it people.

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