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Friday, February 24, 2006

JC’s GirlsGirlsGirls

Posted by on February 24 at 9:39 AM

They are women who doll themselves up, go to strip clubs and pay for lap dances in order to share God’s Message with strippers.

Lori Albee, a JC Girl says:

Jimmy D, a pornographer and an excellent glamour photographer, offered to do all our pictures for the website for free, which was great, because we’re broke. Then, we found Maria, who is our website developer. She actually designs soft-core porn websites, so she was just naturally able to give it that feel.

I wonder how their tips compare to those of horny, Godless men?

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So, uh, if they're collaborating with pornographers, what exactly are they going to say to the strippers? "We'll give you a free audition"?

I'm no fan of Christianity or of religion in general, but I actually have some respect for these folks who walk the walk and do things consistent with their religion's stated values.

However naive or unintentionally funny people may be when they seem to actually believe their own "message of love," I'll take them over Ken Hutcherson and his followers any day.

I'm completely with you, lostboy. But you have to admit this is freaking hilarious.

Admitted freely. I'm laughing my ass off over here.

(Tho they're not nearly as funny as C'YA.)

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