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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

August in August

Posted by on February 7 at 17:38 PM

So the old Seattle Rep continues its tributes to Mr. Wilson, the playwright who was born and buried in Pittsburgh but lived and died in Seattle.

There’ll be a “celebration of the art and language of August Wilson” next Monday, February 13 (for free!), featuring actors doing scenes from his 10-play cycle.

Why stop at scenes? I propose an annual marathon of the entire Wilson cycle, which begins in 1904 (Gem of the Ocean) and ends in the late ’90s (Radio Golf) with some descendents from the first play. When should we hold it? August, of course! You could drop in for a play or two or camp out and take in the whole glorious cycle like they do for that other German opera-writing man.

Marathons of Wagner and Wilson. A perfect Seattle pairing.

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Yes, Yes, Yes! Am I right in thinking that Wilson's plays are usually pretty sparsely-staged? Could they be performed outside? Like at the Mural Amphitheater? It could be our own version of Shakespeare in the Park, but without the pretentious laughter at 500-year-old puns!

Should the Wilson play cycle become reality, I would really, really, really like to perform Mr. Wilson's autobiographical one-man show. I'm willing to audition. But that part is mine.

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