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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Throwing Stones

Posted by on January 12 at 11:01 AM

I’m sorry, this is funny.

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Pls. explain the funny.

Yeah, I'm confused. I don't seem to find the funny part

I think you are a fucking idiot. What's your problem ass.

I thought it was a little funny in the abstract.

Perhaps its funny in some alternate dimension?

No, that's funny. Frizzelle, I applaud your sickness.

So. . . .

Does it get funnier as the death toll goes up?

Ummm - yeah.
Sooo "stoning ritual": could be construed as a drug thing. Mildly funny.
The rest... um, not so much.

Religion is funny/tragic.

Leading more and more to the tragic lately, though.

Unfortunate for those of us who enjoy laughing about it.

a reference to glass houses would make it even funnier.

funny peculiar, not funny ha ha.

I don't find this funny as in ha ha, but funny as in ironic. You think someone would have thought to have a place for people to put there luggage. I heard on NPR that most of the individuals killed where children.

It's funny because god (whatever be her name or whichever fools worship her) is dead.

If they "had a place for luggage" they'd never see it again. This is a seriously HUGE event, all these 2.5 million pilgrims try to move through the stages. They carry their luggage on purpose. A handful of the richies get to stay in hotels and stuff but the vast majority of them are pretty much just THERE. Shuffling past to throw rocks at and cuss at some pillars. "You damn pillars!"

Not funny. Frizzelle better explain himself cuz he's starting to come off as the SLOG's very own Andy Rooney or Pat Robertson, where stupid statements come flying from his mouth and fingertips in flecks.

Not. Funny.

Weren't you the writer who slogged a couple months ago about being irrationally upset upon seeing a woman walking down the street in a burka? I would sit down, relax, and examine your feelings about a particular religious group.

Or sign on as a blogger over at Little Green Footballs. Whatever works for you.

Just remember, muslims are basically christians who aren't as socially progressive.

The reason it is funny is because religious people are CRAZY. They run around enacting their weird meaningful ritualism and then one of them trips over his Northface bag and they all go over like dominoes and DIE. This happens on this same pilgrimage again and again and again.

It's unbelievable. It's like a cartoon.

I have never slogged about anyone in a burka.

It is funny. As in fucking hilarious. The same way the Darwin Awards are fucking hilarious. Yes, each individual death is a tragedy, and think of the children, THINK OF THE CHILDREN. All the people who spend thier time "thinking of the children" should start a free alternative newspaper titled "Think of the Children." See how funny that is.

Ah - it was Sean Nelson who "saw a woman in a burqa stumbling up Pike Street from the market, and started shaking with rage." My bad.

But if you think I'm going to apologize to some who finds over 300 people dying "funny"...

Whenver I see a woman in a burqa, I shake with rage, too--because it thwarts my ability to ogle. Damn!

Dying Islamic pilgrims in Mecca? Must be Allah's will.

Funny. Agreed.

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