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Friday, January 13, 2006

Speaking of New York

Posted by on January 13 at 12:00 PM

Former (and still sometimes) Stranger photographer Casey Kelbaugh has taken his Slideluck Potshows with him to Manhattan, and they’ve been a huge hit, getting written up in TimeOut NY, needing ever-bigger spaces, and attracting tons of contributors.

Which is not surprising. I was at one of the first Slideluck Potshows, held at a loft in Pioneer Square a couple years ago, and it was great to see so many young local photographers showing work that otherwise would never have been seen, critiquing each other, and sloshing around a lot of red wine. I know we have more than a few people reading the Slog from Manhattan, so you guys should take note: The next show is planned for March, and the theme is Mistakes.

To contribute photographs click here, and to while away some of your workday viewing photos from past shows, click here.

For rain-drenched Seattleites (today is the 27th consecutive day!), I recommend Casey’s Belize slideshow.