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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Christian Party

Posted by on December 14 at 16:55 PM

The State Democratic Party got busted for posting a spoof of the Christian fish symbol on its website.

The spoof, a fish magnet emblazoned with flames and the word “Hypocrite” alongside it, was up on the D site for about 48 hours along w/ other political magnets that the party sells. However, it turns out the magnet was not for sale by the Ds. The company that sells the magnet—a vendor for the Ds called Reefer Magnets—had dropped the magnet off at D headquarters as a sample from their latest line of available items. The Ds accidentally put it up on their site.

As State Party Chair Paul Berendt explained to the Seattle Times: The item had not been “properly vetted…We didn’t sell any of them, and we’re not going to.”

It’s a pretty embarrassing gaffe for the Ds, but I gotta say, the response from State Rep. Doug Ericksen, R-Bellingham is equally embarrassing.

Check out his statement: “You would never see anything on a Republican web site demeaning Judaism or the Islamic Faith.”

Subtext: Democrats are Jews and Muslims, Republicans are Christians.

After all, Ericksen wasn’t compelled to make that analogy. He could have simply said: “You’d never see anything on a Republican web site demeaning Christians.” Why the juxtaposition? Perhaps a little slip up about the Republicans’ sense of their base vs. their sense of the bad guys?

Although, I gotta slap the wrists of the Ds too. Reefer Magnets?

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I think you're reading more into that than was meant. But hey, free country and all.


You probably already know this, but the abreviation "reefer" is one commonly used in the transportation industry to refer to refigeration units, so in this sense, even with the obvious double-entendre, the brand "reefer magnets" makes perfect sense.

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