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Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Real American Hero

Posted by on December 6 at 12:47 PM

Representative Candice Miller (R-naturally) is fighting to change the Constitution to discount legal and illegal immigrants from the US Census, which is primarily used to redraw Congressional districts.

According to a study conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies, the US is experiencing the highest influx of immigrants in its history. California, Texas, and Georgia received the largest numbers of new immigrants (the full study won’t be released until December 12th).

Reuters reports:

“This is about fundamental fairness and the American ideal of one man or one woman, one vote,” Miller told a hearing of the House of Representatives subcommittee on federalism and the census called to debate the matter…Miller’s proposal comes amid a growing tide of anti-immigrant sentiment, particularly among Republicans in the House of Representatives.

Poor thing. I guess she tried to reason with the immigrants themselves, but they can’t seem to wrap their minds around the fact that they aren’t real people.

Miller is also allegedly turning her attention to battling the ever-growing popularity of ‘Taco Tuesday’. What a Real American Hero.