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Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Re: The Chronicles of…HELLO!

Posted by on December 6 at 10:42 AM

Yes, it seems Sean did forget Savage’s initial “canned ham dropped from a great height” vagina euphemism. I, for one, will never forget it, no matter how much I drink…

However! The follow-up “Rename the Vagina!” contest actually stemmed from Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, which was enjoying a sold-out local run at the time. In the show, Ensler expresses her distaste for the word “vagina” and preference for the word “cunt”—an iffy choice for the female populace, and super-risky coming from the mouths of males.

So we launched a contest to find an all-purpose euphemism (actually, this was the first Grab Bag I ever wrote), with the options being the aforementioned cunt, Sean’s beloved Narnia, and the triumphant Vancouver. However, my favorite remains the third runner-up: Senorita Wences.

S’all right? S’all right…