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« 11:45 — GhettoRita | 11:49 — Smirk 'Em While Ya Got... »

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

11:45 — Febrezeless in Seattle

Posted by on December 7 at 23:45 PM

Amy Kate reports:

Kristin was the only one smoking just before midnight at the bar in the W downtown.

Brenda and Kim, visiting from Irvine, CA, are happy to hear that our smoking ban goes into effect tonight. They tell me they forgot to pack Febreze to deal with their stinky clothes, and that they popped into Fado earlier in the night and it was so hellishly smoky that they had to leave. They report that in California it took a while before every bar enforced the smoking ban. Certain establishments ignored it for months until bars and clubs began receiving fines (and that made the news).