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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

8:40 — Dwight to Supporter: Fuck You

Posted by on November 8 at 20:40 PM

Party Crasher just stopped at the Dwight Pelz party at Doc Maynard’s, where the chicken wings were still crispy and delicious. (“Because no one’s cried over them yet,” opined one Party Bus passenger.)

When the first results came in, Pelz made a speech, noting that the tally is currently 53 to 47 percent against him. But, he said, he is “still in the race.” Then he told the crowd there are “reasons to still feel good about this.” (But he left those reasons unspecified.)

Then Pelz started to thank his supporters, got a bit teary, and in general sounded as if he was making a concession speech. Someone from crowd shouted, “Do it again.”

Dwight shouted back: “Fuck you.”