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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mad about the Bois

Posted by on October 25 at 13:03 PM

My new favorite politician? This guy from Quebec. Check out how hot he is. He’s 39, he’s gay, he banters about his sexuality on TV, and his political popularity soared after it was revealed that his past is full of heavy drinking and booger sugar.

Truth be told, in the last few hours, I’ve fallen in love with Mr. Boisclair. (Nice name, huh?) Is it obsessive to search the web (god love Google image search) for pictures like this one and this one and this one and this one? This old blog of his is all in French, but you can get Google to translate it for you, like this, manufacturing some odd constructions, like “I smell myself today ready to become head.” (More fun with Google: On that last link, notice how the phrase “about me” above Boisclair’s profile, which is in English on his original site, becomes “butt me” when Google translates what’s already English into English again).

For fellow obsessives (welcome to the club), here’s Boisclair’s new blog, in French and in (partial) English.

Oh, and since I now have you thinking about cocaine, remember this from a few years ago in the paper?