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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Boring Book Tour Detail

Posted by on October 13 at 9:24 AM

Well, I’m back on the road. Or in the air, actually. No, wait. I’m on the ground.

Had a six AM flight to Cleveland via Denver. Flight left Seattle late, ran to get to my connecting flight to Cleveland, just made the plane. Then the pilot announced that they had to change one of the tires, so we were going to have to sit there on the plane for an hour and… watch Bewitched.

I’ve seen Bewitched—the silent, airline version, with Will Farrell and Nicole Kidman—about eight times in the last month. I couldn’t take it, so I asked the steward if I could get off the plane. Sure, he said. So I’m off the plane, and most of the rest of the passangers came with me. I inspired an insurection. (sp?)