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Thursday, September 1, 2005

Spying on the Crazy Christians

Posted by on September 1 at 12:58 PM

This, passed along to me from someone on the creepy “Faith and Freedom Network” email list. It’s a call to battle, no matter what the state supreme court soon decides about marriage equality. (Including a prediction that we’ll have a decision “within the next few week.”)

Meanwhile, Equal Rights Washingtonwhile busy, doing things like holding a high-end fundraiser with the Governor, Rep. Jim McDermott, and County Exec. Ron Sims on September 10hasn’t exactly sounded the alarm on the coming backlash. What are you guys waiting for? The crazy Christians to bust out their pitchforks?

Faith and Freedom Network

Dear XXX,

As you know, traditional values are under attack as never before. Particularly here in the Northwest.

Those who are pushing for gay marriage are not a majority, yet they are exerting a great deal of influence because of their deep commitment to their cause. We see this playing out on every front of the cultural war that is being fought for the very soul of our communities.

Nowhere is the battle more evident than right here in Washington State.

As you know, we are awaiting a ruling by the Washington State Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage. That ruling should come within the next few weeks.

Our Chairman, Joe Fuiten, and I do not expect the ruling to favor traditional marriage, which is between one man and one woman.

If the Court rules against traditional marriage and in favor of gay marriage, we will immediately engage in a campaign to amend the State Constitution.

If they rule in favor of traditional marriage, the gay- rights activists have already announced that they will immediately begin the push for civil unions, as they have done in Oregon.

Civil unions are simply gay marriage by another name.

In either case, we are preparing for the battle, which surely lies ahead.

We are greatly accelerating our efforts in expanding our network of volunteers, and pastors, who will help deliver the message to elected officials in Olympia as circumstances dictate and who will actively participate with us in voter registration.

This battle will require media ads on both radio and television.

Often we people of faith tend to react to abuses of traditional values, rather than prepare for the battle in advance.

We intend to be at the forefront of this momentous struggle, believing that like-minded people will join us and help pay the costs once the battle begins.

This is a spiritual battle as well as a cultural battle. We are asking that you pray for us.

It is a costly battle. We cannot win without financial strength.

It's Time To Get Ready
When Joe Fuiten and this organization led the May Day for marriage event in Olympia with nearly 10,000 in attendance, people stepped up and helped pay the costs over a number of months following the events.

This is a spiritual battle as well as a cultural battle. We are asking that you pray for us.

While many will step up later, we need some people who believe in traditional, Judeo Christian values and who understand the need to prepare for the battle, to help us now.

We know you understand the principle of preparation. It is a biblical principle. The Lord, speaking to Joshua after Moses had died said, "Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River.” (Joshua 1:2)

Would you help us "get ready?”

We intend to stay the course for the duration of this battle. Others will join in to help us sustain our efforts, but in order to be fully engaged from the beginning we need those of you who are a part of Faith and Freedom Network to help us now.

We feel we need to raise about $250,000 up front in order to prevail, because this will not be a one-time event but rather a sustained effort over a number of months.

Washington is usually characterized as a "liberal” state and according to most elections, this would be true. A majority usually votes for liberal candidates and issues in statewide elections.

However, I'm reminded of Thomas Jefferson's words. He said, "We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”

Your participation is deeply needed now. We can prevail, but we won't unless we act.