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Thursday, September 1, 2005

Reagan Dunn Wants to End “Tax Congestion”

Posted by on September 1 at 13:31 PM

So, Reagan Dunn, the east side King County Council member (son of former U.S. Rep. Jennifer Dunn and yes, named after Ronald Reagan), is supposed to be the great telegenic hope of the local Republican party. He’s been hyped as a smooth, good looking R that can woo the region’s moderate swing voters.

Due to the reconfiguration of the County Council, Dunn is in a primary fight for a seat on the KC Council this year. Well, his Primary Election Video Voter’s Guide statement certainly upends any notion that Reagan takes after his namesake, the Great Communicator. After a pretty convoluted statement where it sounds like Dunn is saying King County government should be run like the hard working 9/11 hi-jacking operation, he goes on to stumble through this brilliant quote: “Elections is not the only department that has been ma… mismanaged. Everywhere you look there is waste. (Looks down at script. Long uncomfortable pause.) I…It drives up our property values and makes our taxes more congested.”

You’d think, with the four takes the candidates get to film these things, the “telegenic” Dunn would have gotten a better clip. I can’t even imagine his first 3 attempts. You can find the 2005 Primary Election Video Voter’s Guide here. His statement is at the 38 minute mark.