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Friday, September 16, 2005

Not Voting for Nickels

Posted by on September 16 at 22:02 PM

For what it’s worth—and it ain’t worth much, since he’s running unopposed—the Stranger is probably gonna yank our Nickels endorsement on Monday. So if you’re filling out your absentee ballot this weekend and you’re consulting a Stranger cheat sheet, you might wanna write in someone else.

Oh, and I want my money back. I made a $300 contribution to Nickels’ campaign based in large part on his support—despite how perfunctory it always seemed—for bringing elevated rapid transit to Seattle. At his campaign kick-off breakfast, Nickels promised to build the monorail. That promise is now inoperative, it seems, or it was a lie to begin with. So I want my money back, Greg. I’m not going to do anything idiotic with the money—I’m not going to give it to any of the dopes running against you (but I might give it to whoever winds up facing Casey Corr in the general election)—but the money ain’t yours anymore.

Yeah, yeah: We’re not single-issue voters around here, and we still dig your urban growth agenda, your density vision, etc. But your dishonest, cowardly, kick-`em-when-they’re-down Monorail Double Cross is a deal breaker, Greg. We’ll go into it at length in this week’s paper, but I wanted to get this up on the Slog now.

Vote for someone else, readers.

Give my money back, Greg.

And grow a sack, Greg. That Newsweek from the 1960s with Mayor Daley on the cover that you pulled out at our endorsement interview at College Inn Pub? That was cute, we got it—you wanna be Seattle’s Daley, you wanna build things, you wanna make this a city that works. But Daley, corrupt as he was, knew something about making a city work. Doing something as vital as building urban rapid transit requires vision and guts and nerve—the kind of vision, guts and nerve that Daley had. The kind of vision, guts, and nerve that you wanted us to believe you had. But you ain’t got it, Greg. The going got tough and you pussed out. Are you sure you’re from Chicago?