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Thursday, September 22, 2005

D.C. vs. Seattle

Posted by on September 22 at 13:46 PM

Meanwhile, the March in Seattle is on the verge of catching a serious case of muddled message. From Seattle’s Socialists:

This Saturday, across the country, tens of thousands will march against the war. “Money for the poor, not for war!” will ring out as an indictment of the Bush administration’s callous disdain for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and for the U.S. and Iraqi people loosing their lives to capitalist plunder.

While the sentiment is true, the slogan “Money for the poor, not for war,” is awful, watered down, boring, and takes too much explaining to be effective in a march. (It’s almost as bad as this classic: “What do we want? Peace! When do we want it? NOW!”)

Did organizers in Seattle fail to find our own Gold Star family, to lead the march with a smarter rallying cry? The least they can do is rip off the Gold Star brigade’s brilliant slogans, like this one: How Many More Soldiers Have to Die?

There’s still time before the rally. Let’s help them out. Send your best rallying cries to us, and we’ll post the best ones here by the end of the day tomorrow, allowing the Socialists enough time to scribble them on their placards.