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Tuesday, August 2, 2005

The Predictions Of Chantelle

Posted by on August 2 at 14:26 PM

Perhaps you’re already aware of the Seattle Museum of the Mysteries, “Washington State’s Only Paranormal Science Museum UFO History, Bigfoot, and Ghost Museum,” located at the north end of Broadway.

But did you know they have a resident clairsentient? It’s true: Her name’s Chantelle, and she “facilitates Communicating with The Dead and Mysteries of Tarot on the 2nd, third, and fourth Fridays of the Month from 7-10 PM.”

Even better, she offers predictions on a month-by-month basis. Here are Chantelle’s predictions for August 2005 (courtesy of a Museum of the Mysteries press release):

Shuttle will lose more pieces and a crew member • Next wave of terrorist attacks in Britain will be involving Muslim women. • There will be an intensity in mortal combat, technical glitches and issues with the power grids. • Health problems will be brought on due to overstressing the joints and bones. i.e more multiple car wrecks than seen in a long time. In clear weather. • More UFO siteings will occur in the southern hemisphere mostly due to hurricanes, but will be unexplained.

Check back in September, when I’ll figure out Chantelle’s clairsentient batting average…