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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

How They Rave in Utah

Posted by on August 23 at 17:13 PM

We didn’t roll like this back in my raving days. Sigh.

From National Drug Intelligence Center Utah Drug Threat Assessment March 2003 Throughout the 1990s high energy, all-night dances known as raves, which feature techno-music and flashing laser lights, increased in popularity among teens and young adults. Raves occur in either permanent dance clubs or temporary “weekend event” sites set up in abandoned warehouses, open fields, empty buildings, or civic centers.

Utah has a unique rave culture with anomalies that are specific to the state. Utah law enforcement intelligence indicates that individuals are using limousines or other rental vehicles to travel to raves because of increased vehicle traffic and overcrowded parking. Another emerging trend in Utah is the use of club drugs—synthetic drugs such as MDMA, LSD, and GHB—at adult, rave-like events called trancemission parties. These parties are held in private residences, and cover charges, which include the first MDMA tablet, can exceed $200 per attendee. The parties are theme-oriented and normally involve sexual activity. Hosts recruit teenage girls and young adults from dance clubs and other social gatherings. Trancemission parties often feature “sex rooms” equipped with video cameras to record the sexual exploits of the hosts and partygoers.

Source: Utah Substance Abuse and Anti-Violence Coordinating Council; Utah Club Drug Summit; Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office.