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Monday, May 23, 2005

NYT Mag splashes Santorum…

Posted by on May 23 at 10:33 AM

The NYT Mag smeared Santorum all over its cover this weekend, and allowed the ensuing Santorum slick to spread over, gee, thirty or forty pages inside the magazine.

The piece, by Michael Sokolove, goes into absolutely everything about the junior senator form Pennsylvania — including another retelling of the dark and scary night when Rick Santorum and his equally creepy wife Karen slept with a dead fetus (after making their children cuddle and kiss their deceased near-sibling) — but the piece doesn’t cover my successful effort to forever link the senator with the substance. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex is never mentioned! Outrageous!

The new meaning of lower-case santorum is still the #1 result when you Google “Santorum,ā€¯ and the link goes to, despite the fact that I haven’t updated the site since last July. The word has successfully entered the English language, popping up in books, articles, and magazines without reference to me or my column. It won “Word of the Year — Most Outrageousā€¯ at this year’s American Linguists Society convention, and will no doubt appear in the OED any day now.

Like Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis and whose name is now a synonym for traitor, Rick Santorum has achieved an infamous immortality — with the help of Savage Love readers. Forevermore when someone looks down at his dick or her strap-on during anal sex and sees that unwelcome guest, that frothy mix, Rick Santorum will be remembered! His name will be invoked! “Oh no, santorum!ā€¯ people will say, long after Rick Santorum himself is dead and forgotten. Of course, some will remember Senator Santorum: “Oh no, we’ve had a visit from the senator!” is a popular euphamism employed by buttfuckers who don’t want to say Rick Santorum’s name outloud.

It’s odd that the NYT would overlook the success of Savage Love readers in bestowing this singular honor on Senator Rick Santorum. The Washington Post did a large write-up of the Senator recently. While the WP did not mention me by name, or give the new definition, it did say this: “[Santorum] does not look at the Web sites, some of which include details about a sex columnist’s campaign to make his name a synonym for something that cannot be printed in this newspaper.ā€¯