Protesters gathered outside the offices of a property management company Monday to call for the end of rent-based evictions and to remember Eucy, a tenant who died by suicide after exchanging gunfire with police during an eviction last year. Alex Steed



Getting kids into gainful activities is just one part, you also have to address shit parents. Had my pre-schooler at Renton Community Center for youth basketball league last month and somebody's mom got arrested for fighting over some baby-momma-drama, in front of dozens of kids and I assume their own child had to witness that behavior as well. That child is learning from their parent that behaving like that is OK, that fighting and violence are just fine.


Another pin in the "Most Moral Army in the World" (tm) balloon. A review of Israel's actions on reducing civilian casualties by an expert who has worked extensively with the US armed forces finds Israel's actions lacking. The closing quote:

"Civilians in Gaza and Israeli citizens deserve more from their government and their forces than rhetoric about being the gold standard. They deserve the commitment of a government and professional military to do what they can—and to ask for support—to genuinely protect civilians in war."

And that by one measure of civilian deaths, Israel's actions in Gaza are killing civilians at a pace at least eight times worse than the US-assisted capture of Raqqa, Syria. And that's not a good thing. The US commissioned a review of their attempts to reduce civilian casualties in Raqqa because they were so concerned about the numbers of civilians they'd killed.

A couple more instructive quotes:
"Just as miners in California could see the appearance of iron pyrite—fool’s gold—and think they had struck the real thing, it is possible to look at the IDF’s precautionary measures and at first glance think they are practicing civilian harm mitigation. But whether evaluating the IDF’s performance on its process or its results, it fails to qualify as a gold standard."

"U.S. officials who met with Israeli counterparts to discuss the IDF process for calculating how many civilians are considered acceptable collateral damage, 'said that Israel’s bar is far higher than the United States’ would be.'"


that's not a lot of new information other than "they weren't bad kids". these murders need solving post haste.


'received by the University of Washington Seattle Somali Student Association (SSA). The letter told members of the group to go back to "whatever shithole" they came from...'

While the hate is bad, the stupidity is really really amusing. Can't pinpoint the origin of the Somali Student Associaton members? I guess without the trailing a, it is really hard. Don't bet on these people to win at Jeopardy.
I'm guessing it was tensora.


Joy Collingsworth? Isn't she one of those awful business-oriented members on the city council?


@5: “I'm guessing it was tensora.”

I’m not worried. Not only are you completely wrong per usual, but I’m confident you won’t be able to pinpoint my origin. ;-)


Yikes! Joy Hollingsworth! I did not outsmart autocorrect!


If only Clarence Thomas’ parents had been easily able to access mifepristone.


“City needs to do to pull kids away from their phones and put them back into community centers and parks. We hope to see it”

The gun violence is gang related - and unless the community does something about gang violence, the community centers and parks aren’t great alternatives (as we’ve had homicides at both sites recently with little support from the community to resolve these crimes).

I don’t know why gangs are the new Voldemort (can’t use the word for some strange reason).


@6 -- some Gaseous giant
or other Seems to be
Thee most likely


it's hard to be Precise
but the Side where
the Sun don't ;)
Never shine?

"A huge victory for workers,
fought for by workers.
Don't ever let people
tell you that we can't
win when we fight."

'you can fight; Fight
without EVER Winning but
never Ever win; Win WITHOUT a Fight.'
--@Rush; 'Resist'


Point out to @2 that the War on Terror continues, and he deflects to battles won.

Special forces of the U.S. secretly strike from 78 bases all over the globe. Drones orbit and strike all the time. Disparate numbers of civilian casualties are the norm. The tallies on the links provided for non-combatant and combatant deaths continue to rise on the links previously provided continue to rise, at a pace and number that make Gaza look positively humane.

No protests.


@9, The City would be depriving kids of 1st Amendment Rights. Parents would be depriving kids of rights to raise themselves on their parents nickle.

No one has the right to decide what's best for anyone else, or that their is anything best for anyone else, in The Stranger's world for total moral relativity.


@11 Please identify the GWOT theaters where US airstrikes are killing 100 civilians per day. Good luck!


@3 They were bad kids. At least posing on Instagram with multiple guns with huge clips and auto sears makes them bad in my book. Fuck around and find out. It's a tragedy for their families, for sure, but perhaps a wake up call? We'll see... Sadly these execution style killings is just going to ramp up the Seattle vs Tacoma/South end gang wars all that much more. And if nobody 'snitches' there's not much the WSP/SPD/TPD can do. And if we don't drop this stupid cloaking of what's going actually going on in the name of progressiveness and equality nothing will happen either. My son goes to Garfield and is in no way associated with gangs, but the kids there know what's happening (for example who the target was in the 23rd drive by that injured the girl). Our best advice: don't stand anywhere in the vicinity of that dude!!


@13, Most days its zero, some days its far more.

When we took our eye off the ball and allowed our enemies places of sanctuary and organization to arm, rearm, organize, and reorganize, etc. the rates were thousands per day while those places were invaded and taken down (e.g. Mosul, ISIS, certain phases of the Afghan conflict, etc.) The IDF is in those phases now.

Once they get Hamas degraded to a certain point, and a certain level of either surveillance back in Gaza, or a regime in Gaza that will tacitly agree to police themselves against those that would attack Israel (analogous to the the current agreement we have with the Taliban regarding those that would attack us) as a condition for withdrawing, it will be less.


@15 So civilians are getting killed at a pace of more than a hundred per day in Gaza. Every day. But conflicts where most days have zero civilian casualties* are "at a pace and number that make Gaza look positively humane"? Got it. So zero is worse than a hundred? My, you either have a deeply warped world view or you've just admitted you're full of shit. You should get your programming checked.

I dare you to find a conflict in the last year where US airstrikes have killed more than a hundred civilians on any day, let alone on the regular.



at Least
We're not
a Genocide.



oh, Wait --

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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