News Oct 31, 2023 at 5:01 pm

Employees Are Unable to Run the Restaurant, and Some Remain Unpaid

Anyone seen the guy who runs Capitol Hill's beloved sandwich staple? RS



Strange how so many crazy right-wing anti-LGBTQAI+++×> people decide to do business on Capitol Hill. Wonder if some folx have mental issues they project on others?


Back in the day, I worked for a very sketchy Audio-Visual company that had taken over the contract for The Westin after a legacy company I had worked for went bankrupt. The owners disappeared, and good old Washington State Labor & Industries made myself and the other employee whole, wage-wise.

They also paid for a minor on-the-job injury I incurred (a broken mirror cut into my shin, which is about as glamorous a hotel injury as one can get. I didn't think anything of it until there was all this blood on my designer-inspired, Nordstrom provided, polyester uniform pants. L&I even paid for a new pair of pants!)


Is the restaurant industry just chock full of ex-cons or something? It's astonishing. You never hear of a hardware store or auto body shop owner disappearing, it's always bakeries, bars, cafes.


Someone must have really pissed off the Wiccas next door for this once great staple of Cap Hill to be so cursed...


Sounds like the Stranger's campaign to drive the Honey Hole out of business has entered its final stages.


@4, @6: Sad to see this once-great place slowly dying. I recall loving right it from the time it opened; shortly thereafter, a former co-worker of mine, who I treated to lunch there, heartily agreed with HH’s tag line, “Damn, that’s a good sandwich.” It remained so for a long time thereafter, becoming another jewel in a neighborhood brimming with them.

This decline reflects the sorry state of the neighborhood — and the city — around it.


When did comments in The Stranger come back?
I left when I couldn't poke fun at Charles Mudede anymore.

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