Money The Only Way to Slow Immigration
posted by October 3 at 12:44 PM
onNot with a fence, not with patrols, not with vigilantes—the only effective way to slow immigration is to have a shittier economy.
And we’re succeeding. Two headlines, the first from MarketWatch:
Payrolls sink 159,000, worst job loss in 5 years
Hidden unemployment rises to 11%
And from the Wall Street Journal:
Latest Immigration Wave: Retreat
(To be fair, the article credits Congress’s defeat of the bill to legalize illegals—as well as the slumping economy and construction sector—as responsible for the retreat. But clearly, the clever shittier-economy strategy is working.)
I'm a freelancer, and nobody tracks our work ups and downs. Definitely less work these days, and not just me, it's a hot topic on the freelance discussion lists.
Make sure to vote to raise sales taxes as much as possible. I'm sure there's a way we can do that in November. Yeah, it hurts people and will prolong the recession, but local democrats want it, so DO IT.
the invisible hand at work.
Quick, Build a fence and force them to stay !!
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