Visual Art Pictures for Women
posted by October 7 at 13:00 PM
onVancouver Art Gallery is having its first solo exhibition of Jeff Wall’s photographs in almost 20 years this fall—the show opens later this month. Now you really have no excuse not to go up to Vancouver in the next two months.
Here’s his early masterpiece Picture for Women from 1979, based on Manet’s classic painting Bar at the Folies-Bergere.
And while I’m still all misty-eyed and worked up from the revolutionary spirit I experienced at WACK! last week (full review coming out tomorrow), here’s a great read by Jerry Saltz on Martha Rosler, and why what I’m feeling is wrong and dumb.
to clarify: Wall's had plenty of solo retrospective-type shows in the last few years--c.f. Tate, MoMA--but this is VAG's first in forever.
Thanks for the heads up. I am really looking forward to seeing this show (having missed the ones Wall fan mentions above).
broken link! really interested...please fix...
Thanks for the reviews! I think I'm going to spend an afternoon this weekend checking out Wack!; I have a Gallery membership, so I can go back and check out the other two new exhibits when they get around to opening.
Here's the link:
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