2008 Mavericky As All Hell
posted by October 29 at 16:44 PM
onSarah Palin is so gosh-darned mavericky that she’ll just go right out there and talk about how she’ll run for President in 2012 if/when she and McCain lose next week. Because it’s so outsider to talk about losing six days before the election. SHE DON’T FOLLOW NO RULES, YOU STUPID ELITES!
If John McCain were as patriotic as he says he is—if he had as much honor as he claims—he would drop out of the race right now just to keep this maniac away from power.
So, the October surprise is that She drops out of the race and Lieberman takes his place?
her place, obviously.
@1, too late for that.
Even if McCain wins next week, Palin's history suggests she'd still run in 2012.
I hope Palin chokes on a moose cock
hubris thy name is palin. she better sharpen up that u of idaho intellect if she's going to take on a seasoned obama. he'll crush her like clinton crushed dole.
I got $20 that says she won't even be in politics in 2012. Of course if I'm wrong, by 2012 $20 will be worth about 39 cents in todays money, so it's a pretty one-sided bet.
thats right wingnuts, no need to vote, just skip this one and look ahead to Palin '12
Hey, wait a minute. Isn't there a senator seat in Alaska that might just come open?
That sounds like a potential misread by Wolf. Palin might've meant she's not throwing in the towel on 2008 and therefore would not comment on her future plans.
Everybody step back. This bitch is as trailer trash as it gets. The clothes spree and the debate wink were the giveaways, were there some doubt. She'll take the media personality route and make a fortune. She would do way better (relatively speaking) as a sort of righwing Oprah-esque behemoth than she ever would as a politician.
'Specially, since, you know, you gotta actually know how politics work, 'n stuff. Whereas any dumb cunt can be an Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
"She would be interested in remaining a serious national political figure"?
REMAINING??? Honey, THAT ship has SAILED.
Wow - I just wrote the above BEFORE I had even seen the cranky old lady blog post (and Poe's comments within.) It's in the air, folks! Gotta be true!
If we are four years into a a serious depression in 2012, blame will be laid squarely at the feet of Barack, Harry and Nancey (assuming all three of them survive that long (politically (of course (?)))) and people will be willing to elect anything that isn't a Democrat (including Palin AND the moose she road in on).
Remember, it was Carter and Democrat control of the House and Senate (filibuster proof even) that made Regan possible...
I'd be afraid... very afraid.
@14: You beat me to it. Remaining? What?
Dear Defined_By_What_You_Reflexively_Mock_And_Nothing_Else @16: One thing at a time. 2012 is a ways off yet.
But ...
If God is sending her and the rest of the Socialist Republicans off to the wilderness for forty years, won't her coming back in 2012 show she's an apostate heretic?
Lightning bolt time ...
You know, that self-serving, sanctimonious bitch really never does seem to ever stop surprising me.
She could also win and run in 2012.
I was in your archives reading some of the stuff and I was thinking, man this is a great blog I'm going to subscribe to the RSS feed. And then I get to your latest postings with all this bullshit about obama and your mccain bashing..
you democrats are a bunch of losers.
'bunch of losers'
Not this time we're not.
@22 There's no need to stop reading Slog. If you like everything else about this blog except its accurate reporting and sane discussion of politics, try to get a job as one of Slog's resident paid Republican shill commenters.
That way you can still enjoy Slog without compromising your lack of principles.
Cool! Palin will lead the Republican party forward along the path forged here in Washington by Ellen Craswell.
Thank you, Sarah. You promised me a new gift every day, and you deliver. You are so sweet that way.
Best case scenario: 10:00am EDT, Wed Nov 05, McCain tells his campaign he's going to concede, and Palin holds a snap press conference claiming she wasn't consulted and she's not conceding until every one of those shady election returns is thoroughly investigated.
Holy crap!
2012? Palin? Christ, how could a people who couldn't even come up with the wheel predict the end of the world so dead on? It's uncanning.
PLEASE, PLEASE, GOP PLEASE. Do run Sarah Palin next election cycle. Lying Palin and the conservative right have brought down the entire GOP party with this campaign; running her again will ensure their demise for eternity.
Don't temp us with such candy and not see it through. We Democrats want you to run ethically cleared Palin, foreign policy guru Palin, Energy oil company suck up Palin, can't complete a sentence Palin, Diva Palin,
witch hunting preacher Palin, Leaman Marxist Palin, scared to do real interviews Palin, Alaskan Oil Socialist Palin.
We're giddy with anticipation.
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