News The Morning News
posted by September 25 at 7:55 AM
onAll In a Day’s Work: Obama smacks down McCain for trying to dodge debate, urges Congress to support NASA.
And the Doomsday Clock Ticks Closer To Midnight: Nuclear inspectors barred from North Korean reactor site.
This Is Exactly How Red Dawn Started: Venezuela and China sign massive oil deal.
Dirty: Olympic Committee probing underage Chinese gymnasts.
Republicans: Bush goes prime-time to talk about the economic shit-hole we’re in, Cindy McCain shows up for Seattle fundraiser after all.
Probably Not Republicans: Seattle groups helping homeless register to vote.
But Did He Have a Hung Jury? Oklahoma judge disbarred for using penis pump in court.
I'm a little surprised; I was sure the Chinese gymnast thing would be dropped as soon as the Olympics was over.
At 4:00, the blond Elite 6 lady said sarah hated her cat. That's IT!!
Poor Caligutard.
He and his neo-fascist cronies where just minding their own bidniss when the terrahists struck, when Enron and Worldcom imploded, when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars started, when the Constitution was shredded, when torture became the official policy of the US, when gas hit $4 a gallon, when the middle class went under, when Wall Street blew through trillions and is now extorting and outright controlling what's left of our government.
And now we could face another Clinton recession.
Why is all this happening? Gee, no one knows. Just bad luck, we guess.
The blonde "Elite 6" woman also claimed Palin is "honest as the day is long." Sorry, Blondie; your credibility's shot.
Chavez is the totally nuts bad guy in a Bond movie who gets defeated rather easily. Putin, however, is the perfect Bond villian and honestly my money is on him to win whatever evil game he is playing. Well, unless some plucky teenagers from a small town in Colorado intervene...
Only Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Gray, Patrick Swayze, and Caroline Thompson can save us from Chavez and Putin!
The hell? This Palin stuff is weeks old. The push to throw money at Wall Street is coming to a head today, McCain spent yesterday making his stupid ploy for time and pissing off Letterman, Palin gave an excruciating interview to CBS, and what you've got to give us is this tiresomely old Palin discovery? Jesus. Look around.
3 of her 5 best friends don't want to vote for her?
Red Dawn was one of the dumbest movies ever. Remember how the Soviets turned a drive-in into a re-education camp? I guess they had to cut out the part where the commies stomp puppies to death.
Former President Bill Clinton told "Good Morning America" today, "I presume [McCain] did that in good faith" and dismissed any suggestion that McCain was trying to duck Obama in a debate.
"We know he didn't do it because he was afraid because McCain had wanted more debates," Clinton told "GMA."
Sarah is as honest as the days are long, because here in Alaska we have very short days.
And least we forget the for-always right wing fear, true today as it was when used as a major plot development point in Red Dawn, it was the gun registration logs found at the local hardware store which tipped off the commie occupiers to the location of all US Patriots and weapon caches.
brrr... cold dead hands, commie gun control laws, national threats... grrr... indeed.
@12 He's basically working for McCain at this point.
Bill Clinton, for as much as I liked him during his presidency, is creeping toward "Shut up, you awful shitstain of a man" status with his recent remarks, not just on GMA but on Letterman as well.
Good ol' Bill Clinton taking the high road. But isn't that what Dems always do?
I really am starting to think he has some(not so) hidden agenda going on here...
Registering the homeless is a good idea. Unfortunately, all the republicans have to do is offer them free booze and drugs the night before the election and then the homeless will forget to vote, let alone remember what day it is.
those can't be her closest friends. if they were, not anymore, at least.
Clearly the woman, who said Palin is as honest as the day is long, was referring to a very specific day and place. Namely Barrow, AK on Dec 22, since Barrow is above the arctic circle, there is no day there on Dec 22.
I wouldn't assume many homeless wouldn't vote Republican.
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