2008 Good Signs
posted by September 9 at 17:14 PM
onThe hit was hard but there are some signs of recovery:
For the second time in 24 hours, a respected national poll has found Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain in a virtual deadlock: The NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll puts Obama at 46 percent, with McCain at 45 percent..On Monday, an ABC News/Washington Post survey put it at 47-46 Obama, with McCain having a razor-thin 49-47 lead among those most likely to vote.
The NBC/WSJ poll, released eight weeks before election day in November, contains good news for both camps. The survey found voters more comfortable with the prospect of Obama as president than a month ago, and more confident in his ability to perform as commander-in-chief.
With McCain, the poll found in August that only 12 percent of supporters were excited about his candidacy. The “excited” figure has soared to 34 percent in the wake of the Republican convention.
Obama, too, shows a rise in the excitement factor - from 46 percent in August to 55 percent a month later.
The poll’s verdict on vice presidential nominees reflects the high profile and somewhat polarizing politics of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Let a thousand ideas flourish!
"And Mr. Paul intends to showcase some of those options at the National Press Club on Wednesday. He will be joined by Ralph Nader, an independent candidate, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, former Representative Bob Barr of Georgia, who is running on the Libertarian Party ticket and former Georgia congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, who is the Green Party’s presidential candidate."
I know that I've been an ass lately and I have been filling these boards with bullshit links but won't someone out there be my friend. My mom will even make us sandwiches!
@2. I am 100% positive that John Bailo will be your friend. No sandwiches required.
If I were to believe in polls, I'd have to believe that 30 million people simply veer wildly between two extremes of opinion on a daily basis.
It just takes me back to that good old '04 and '06 numb "nothing I can do about it" feeling.
Never before have I felt like so much was at stake in an election. My stomach has been constantly churning for the last few days. I already h
Poll two words, "President Palin." See what the results are.
I listened to all of Little Queen yesterday on Rhapsody.
Actually, among LIKELY voters--not just registered voters--Mr McCain is up by as much as 10 points, 54-44 according to USA Today.
This isn't a gloat. This is just telling Mr Obama's supporters not to take too much of a break just yet.
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