I looked at the images and thought this was a reference to the outline of the bay. I looks like the profile of a head to me. Then I read the text below. Oopsy!
Well, if anyone has the wherewithal to behead someone a chef certainly does, they are quite skilled with knives...
Appropos of nothing, Santorini is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited.
What a cool looking impact crater.
@3 its not an impact crater, but was formed by a volcanic eruption, you can see a new magma dome forming in the middle
vooodooo84 @4, I stand corrected. It remains excellently cool.
Santorini is fucking gorgeous. And the wine is good. I'd go back there in a red hot minute. And not leave. If I could afford it.
And it's also my bet for the "Lost City of Atlantis".
once again, A MYSTERY IS AFOOT!
had this been in america, the cops would have shot him 84 times and sodomized him while strangling him w/ worry beads.
greek cops are obviously huge pussies compared to the big-dicked pigs we got here.
Take one head.
Put in a pot of boiling water.
Add tblspn salt.
1 Bay leaf.
2 Potatos.
2 Cloves of garlic.
4 Carrots.
Bring to boil, simmer for 2 hours.
Remove hair and teeth.
Bon appetite.
Serves five prison inmates.
I've never been to Santorini, but I read a book about the place and it sounds amazing. There are whole towns buried there that have never been excavated.
I was toying with Greece or Croatia for our next trip. Croatia it is.
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