City The Crazy Goings On at the Discovery Institute
posted by August 13 at 13:07 PM
onI like to stay on top of the crazy propaganda promulgated by all branches of the Discovery Institute. (By the way, Chicago Fan, it’s a commonplace that propaganda is officially a product of governments, but that’s not really true. Here are the applicable OED definitions: “2) An organization, scheme, or movement for the propagation of a particular doctrine, practice, etc.; 3) The systematic dissemination of information, esp. in a biased or misleading way, in order to promote a political cause or point of view. Also: information disseminated in this way; the means or media by which such ideas are disseminated.” Surely Northwestern gives you free access to the OED?)
For those of you still convinced that the Discovery Institute only has a “Real Russia Project” as a means of injecting intelligent design into Russian schools, you need only look at the collective response of the Russia Blog to the conflict in Georgia. There are some impressive Putin apologetics going on there:
I’m not commenting on the conflict itself, since I am not even remotely qualified to evaluate the competing claims, but this post is clearly quite a bit outside the mainstream of American opinion. How did the Discovery Institute come to represent this bizarre mishmash of interests? I am flummoxed.
Just ask the Lobbyist for the country of Georgia that works for McSame, I'm sure he could tell you.
Mind you, he'll probably lie.
It's what they do.
How can the Neocons present a united front on the Georgia question when they're funded by lobbyists from both sides?
Annie, is explained (somewhat) here:
Also, Google the following: "The Further Misadventures of Screwball Yuri Mamchur, Neo-Soviet Con Man"
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The standard US media view (Georgia = freedom-loving victims, Russia = evil neo-Soviet warmongers looking to outdo Stalin) isn't accurate. Russia isn't exactly a fluffy bunny, but they do have an interest in keeping their neighbors from butchering the various enclaves in that very confusing region. Russia isn't taking over Georgia; they're bombing the shit out of them so they'll leave South Ossetia alone. Georgia's adventurism there was emboldened by Bush's reckless and stupid rhetoric, but Russia has ALWAYS maintained a military interest in the Caucasus and always will. The Serbian analogy isn't far off.
lets not forget the neo cons who love the freedom loving georgian president are pushing the view that georgia did nothing but act like a western nation. that is their ally in iraq that just got pimped slapped. and mccain and bush are looking stupid.
1)georgia invaded south osettia
2) georgia knew damn well putin would hit back
3) they (georgia)thought nato was going to bomb moscow
russia stopped short of taking the tiblisi which im sure they would have done in 3 days. is a way to show the europeans that they arent going to be pushed and a way for douchebag putin to say to georgia. "dont try this at home." there are some real good articles by liberal scholars on the true nature of that conflict and why the US media is buying the poor old georgia line put out by the neo cons.
here is a good editorial by a georgetown professor, who was interviewed by and one of the better ones ive read and certainly doesnt let putin off the hook. im surprised that the stranger is buying the "mainstream" line. that is not to say that that nutso right wing institute has it right by defending the russians.
Fnarf pretty much summed it up: "Russia isn't taking over Georgia; they're bombing the shit out of them so they'll leave South Ossetia alone."
It really doesn't take a genius to read any of the reports out there to deduce as much. And all bloody accounts from my friend's South Ossetian family would corroborate that. You can also read any basic history of the conflict between South Ossetia and Georgia to deduce the simple fact that all South Ossetia has ever wanted is independence, while all Georgia has wanted is to keep that from them.
And haven't we reached the point with Bush that we can assume that whatever he supports is wrong-headed at best? His backing of Geogia was the most obvious proof or Georgia's culpability yet.
Fnarf pretty much summed it up: "Russia isn't taking over Georgia; they're bombing the shit out of them so they'll leave South Ossetia alone."
It really doesn't take a genius to read any of the reports out there to deduce as much. And all bloody accounts from my friend's South Ossetian family would corroborate that. You can also read any basic history of the conflict between South Ossetia and Georgia to deduce the simple fact that all South Ossetia has ever wanted is independence, while all Georgia has wanted is to keep that from them.
And haven't we reached the point with Bush that we can assume that whatever he supports is wrong-headed at best? His backing of Geogia was the most obvious proof or Georgia's culpability yet.
Shit - sorry for the double post.
its not as cut and dried as the above posts suggest. the population of south ossetia is a mixed one with ethnic georgian villages mixed in the pop and ossetians outside the population. the present ossetian population settled there in the middle ages under the aegis of georgian kings.
its not as cut and dried as the above posts suggest. the population of south ossetia is a mixed one with ethnic georgian villages mixed in the pop and ossetians outside the population. the present ossetian population settled there in the middle ages under the aegis of georgian kings.
I hope my post isn't being understood as defending Putin. SeMe and jiberish are right; it's a complex issue. That's precisely Bush's and McCain's (and, sadly, Obama's to some extent) misbegotten reaction: it's simple, Georgia = heroes. But the fact is, Putin is ALWAYS going to take the strongman position in the area, just as every other Russian leader has before him. NATO's got nothing to say about it, and neither does the US.
The Neocons want to start a war, though. They always do. It's not going to happen; I'm sure the Joint Chiefs have been in touch with the president and "'shut up', he explained", as Ring Lardner put it.
Russia has repeatedly said they are unhappy with us constantly meddling in eastern europe with our weapons. Bush has ignored them. This is the result.
Nice work passing the test! One thing us perfessers like to do is make half-right assertions (propaganda can only be from a government!) to see if any of our studenti will call us on it, or if they will just write stuff down mindlessly. You're gonna kick ass at Chicago.
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