Visual Art More Obama Art
posted by August 26 at 10:00 AM
onAfter I wiped the tears from my eyes when Michelle finished her awesome speech, I found myself bereft. Oh, so far from the action! (I miss you Eli, Annie, and Charles!)
So I went online to look at the online gallery of Obama art sponsored by during the convention. It’s here. Most of the art, as expected, was terrible.
How terrible?
Well, yes, you can, but I can’t believe you did: A “Barack-in-the-box” by Heather Courtney of San Jose, California.
Obama! An oozing eyedropper for change! by Karen Wippich from Portland, Oregon.
Now you’re just scaring me, Larissa Brown Marantz from Orange, California. Cosmetic surgery often goes wrong.
This is called Moving the Wheel of Hope Forward, but to me it looks like I Have Been Buried Under Dark Blobs and Need Rescue. It’s by Fariba Safai of Sausalito, California.
I think this one, by Tom Bob of New York, New York, is more what the previous artist had in mind?
This awesome thing is by Stan Herd and his dogs, which I wish were goats instead, in Lawrence, Kansas.
Aside from the implicit airline promotion, I dig this one, by Shawn Hazen of Chicago.
There’s lots more, including a winsome vision that I’m pretty sure involves both money and environmentalism by Seattle artist Michael Leavitt. Check it out.
Hideous, 404, ugly, retarded, obnoxious, Sarah, Plain & Tall and no effort at all.
Stupid, garbage can(?), cultish, ugly, nonsensical, overly disproportionate
I would be interested in purchasing a Barack in the Box. That thing is awesome.
Shawn Hazen's is pretty damn stupid. His/her implication is we're moving AWAY from unity.
The United/Change graphic would work much better as an animated gif.
To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress
It's easy to do just follow these steps
1: Cut a hole in a box
2: Put Barack in that box
3: Make her open the box
And that's the way you do it
It's Barack in a box, Barack in a box babe
It's Barack in a box, Barack in a box girl
Christmas; Barack in a box
Hanukkah; Barack in a box
Kwanzaa; Barack in a box
Every single holiday Barack in a box
These are amateurs for the most part. Is it really fair for you to let loose on them, Ms. Graves?
@w7ngman That's funny. Dude funny, but funny.
Whoa, Sean Hazen?! He's from the Seattle area, went to high school with him.
What tune does the Barack-in-a-Box play?
Even Better:
The art Obama doesn't want you to see...
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