2008 Hillary Clinton on Sarah Palin
posted by August 29 at 17:34 PM
onOn the plane back from Denver I was imagining, with Charles and Annie, what Obama’s ideal “Statement from Hillary Clinton on Sarah Palin” would be. It went something like this:
We need more women in high offices in this country, and I congratulate Sen. McCain on trying to make history by picking Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential nominee. But the struggle for gender equality is not just about equal opportunity. It’s about equal expectations.The American people have a right to expect a President and Vice President who are ready on day one, and unfortunately Gov. Palin, a half-term governor from Alaska, possesses a political resume far too thin for someone a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Someday we will break the glass ceiling that has kept women out of the most powerful offices in the White House, but when we do it should be with a qualified woman who defends women’s rights and has the experience to lead our nation. Unfortunately, Gov. Palin is not that woman.
When I arrived home just now, I received in my in-box the actual, official “STATEMENT FROM SEN. HILLARY CLINTON ON SEN. MCCAIN’S VP SELECTION.”
It is this:
We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin’s historic nomination, and I congratulate her and Senator McCain. While their policies would take America in the wrong direction, Governor Palin will add an important new voice to the debate.
Wow. I think Hillary is probably the only person on earth who could have made me feel even worse after that VP pick. Thanks, Hillary.
I skimmed this post the first time through and read your (Eli's) version as the *actual* HRC comment... I was like, "WOW! What a GREAT comment! She really isn't bitter! She really is going to help Obama!"
And then I kept reading and saw the real comment and I thought to myself, "Sweet baby Jesus Mary mother of God, just shoot me now."
WTF? Palin's nomination isn't historic-- there have been other female veep nominees. Her nomination is anti-feminist and an abomination. HRC is showing her true colors, yet again, by not saying as much.
The ideal statement from HRC would be, "a female Vice President is not worth giving up choice." I'm already tired of the liberal soft-focus on Sarah Palin.
SO disappointed in HRC for this, so soon after throwing her weight behind Obama. The diplomatic friendliness is really just politics as usual, but it's still a shame; it really devalues everything she said the other night.
This is pretty much just a recycle of her attacks on Obama during the primaries.
Nice to see that Democrats as well as Republicans are capable of indescriminantly and inconsistently using whatever line seems convenient at the moment.
Despite putting on the nice face for the convention, Hillary desperately wants Obama to lose so she can run again in 2012.
That was beautiful, Eli, and spot on. I got a little disgusted with Slog today reading all the bullshit comments about how hot (or not hot) she is. What you said is exactly the type of discussion we should be having about this.
She is not qualified. Period. And it is a little insulting that they would pick her just because she is a woman -- that they assumed that people (women) will vote for McCain and this unqualified person just because she is female.
@7 They picked her because she is a woman AND because she is more than acceptable to the Evangelicals.
Did you know that she opted against aborting her baby who was diagnosed with Down syndrome 4 months into the pregnancy? So now she has a cute, adorable baby (with Down syndrome) that 90% of parents would have aborted. The religious kooks are going to have a field day with that.
I agree that she is not qualified. But if that is her primary weakness, then that is a double-edged sword for Obama, who isn't much more qualified experience-wise.
Julie, you don't say shit when they talk about how hot Charlie Crist is on the Slog, or any other man. Getting selectively offended coming to the defense of incompetent women in positions of great power makes you look very silly.
Why hasn't anyone yet mentioned that the fact that Sarah Palin was chosen only because she's a woman is the epitome of sexism? This woman is being used, and it's a slap in the face. I can't even believe that Hillary has failed to recognize this.
I'm just waiting to see how effective she'll be as a GOP V.P. candidate while sitting in a courtroom...
It doesn't bother me when people say Charlie Crist is hot because it's usually in the context of Mr. Poe saying he wants to fuck him.
It doesn't bother me when pictures of hot men or women are posted on Slog for no other reason than they are hot (Charles and his Italian women, Dan and his college wrestlers).
This time it bothered me because the conversation people should be having is about whether she is qualified for the job, whether it was a good pick for McCain, etc. It seemed like a large percentage of the discussion was about her hotness or lack thereof, her fuckability, etc.
It's just a little irritating when this somewhat unexpected, really interesting political thing happened and the first thing people talk about is her appearance. I expect some amount of it (same as if Charlie Crist had been named the VP) but it seemed pretty excessive, at least in my opinion.
Harriet Miers.
@12 - It's because we don't know anything else about her other than a half-assed bunch of Wikipedia bites. If we knew as much about her as we do about the other three in this race you can bet there would be a shitload of remarks about her qualifications. In the meantime, her hotness (or notness) is pretty easy to ascertain and talk about.
How is Palin as experienced as Obama? Plus, if McCain says Palin is ready to be President, then so is Obama. Period. You can't have it both ways.
@15. Uh, I think one can objectively say that Obama has more relevant experience than Palin does.
Palin has s minor in political science (no law degree, etc.). Four years experience on a city council of a town of
Obama has a law degree and was a professor of constitutional law. Three years as a community organizer. Seven years in the IL senate. Four years in the US Senate.
I think Obama wins. Now, where one draws the line in terms of what is the required level of experience necessary to be President is debatable (i.e., is Obama's background enough to make him ready), but I think it is an entirely reasonable position to say that Obama is ready whereas Palin is not, given her resume.
@15. Hmm. Maybe I misinterpreted your comment. I thought you were saying "you can't have it both ways" meaning you can't dismiss attacks about Obama not being ready and then make those same attacks against Palin. Anyways, that's what @5 seems to be saying, so just pretend my comment was directed at him.
Your fictional press release and HRC's comment parallel the 2 genuine Obama statements from today.
Beating up Clinton for no reason ain't gonna help us elect Obama, probably the reverse. Please stop.
Look. The only politician in America with worse negatives than Hillary Clinton is George W. Bush. She is one of the most unpopular figures of our time. As long as she remains in the headlines and continues to be reviled by nearly 50% of the people, she is going to get beaten up. This will happen as surely as the rain must fall.
Whining about it actually reinforces the negative opinions that are widely held about her. Her best bet is to get out of the public eye. If not, don't expect to hear nice things said about her.
@19 Sigh. My point is about Obama getting elected, not Clinton's future.
I understand. My point is that you're wasting your time. If Obama is to be elected, it's going to be in spite of people dissing Hillary every time her name pops up. She's not well liked.
Who cares what Hillary says? I mean, yeah, she should have said more. But she didn't. And that's not surprising. It's par for the course with her. The more we ignore her the better of we'll be.
@22 I hope you're right. The GOP seems to be betting otherwise.
1. Hey I am sure you covered this but in case you didn't:
"The latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking finds Barack Obama moving to an eight percentage point lead over John McCain, 49% to 41%."
A very nice bounce.
Very deserved. His speech was a lesson to all the wussie Democrats and their supporters over the years who usually refused to be assertive to go on offense to define our future under D's and who refused to go on offense in defining the GOP. I give Obama credit for fulfilling this part of what he promised earlier, that he'd be effective in taking on, really taking on, the opposition.
I think Hillary's real comment was spot on in tone. Neither she nor anyone else needs to spend much time or text attacking this pick. It is so absurdly bad, it doesn't need pointing out. Rather than be the bad guy, let Palin demonstrate her inadequacy and do your work for you. I mean, she is really unqualified. Frankly, I think the GOP is hoping the Dems make an issue of the hypocrisy of attacking Obama’s experience while giving the VP nod to an unqualified candidate. Any implied comparison of Obama to Palin, even if the comparison is hugely favorable, will only serve to take Obama down a notch.
The Obama camp is taking a very neutral, congratulatory tone for the moment--at least Barack Obama and Joe Biden are.
I believe that HRC is following their lead. When the time comes, she'll let loose on Palin with a fury you've never seen before.
There's only one person who's gonna be the main standardbearer for women in Washington and it sure as hell won't be Vice-President Sarah Palin.
Maybe Obama should have been a bit more appreciative of HRC on Thursday. The reference to HRC's "rocking the house" was a bit too shallow.
@27: Candidates should take a neutral congratulatory tone. Surrogates should be tearing her throat out.
Hillary Clinton isn't the candidate.
In any case, there's lots of fun to be had with Palin.
For example, Jews in Florida may find it relevant to their interests that Palin was a big-time Pat Buchanan supporter(a 'brigadier' as he put it yesterday). I'm not saying she's anti-semitic but I don't think it was his stance on Israel that attracted her to his campaign.
Women may find it relevant to their interests that Palin is a leader in a 'feminist' pro-life group that believes contraception is an abortificant. But ladies, you didn't want control of your body anyways, right?
Anyways, don't worry your pretty little heads about Sarah's lack of experience. One of McCain's advisors noted(this is an actual quote): "She's going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he'll be around at least that long."
most of you really need to get a life!! if you exerted as much energy towards improving this planet and it's people as you do getting your rah rahs off by putting out all this negativity, everyone would be better off!!
@8: Eugenics is always a big winner with Middle America. Sarah is a godly woman who shoots moose with AR-15s and is a total VPILF to boot. I can almost smell the tollhouse cookies comin out of the White House stove now. Mmmmm.
She's a walking billboard for conservative values likely to peal off a few middle class female dem as well.
McCain couldn't have done better if they cooked her up in a lab.
Pro Life (with a documented vengence - keeping that baby and all)
Pro Military (son enlisted, on 9/11 no less)
Pro Roughneck (Husband is a union man on an oil pipeline)
Pro Sports (former TV Sports reporter - did you hear the cheers when McCain referred to her teaching her kids the values of sports?)
Pro Evangelical (See pro Life)
I think more republicans will vote for her than for McCain
That bitch is not fit to iron Hillary's pant suit
Wow. Once again certain Obamatrons have gone bonkers.
P-I today:
"Obama priases Palin": OBama said her pick is "encouraging" and she is "Admirable" and "compelling" with a "terricic story, personal story" and her pick is one more indication the country is moving forward.
So, Obama's saying nice things. But for HRC to be nice: fuck that bitch.
It's pretty weird how some of these Obamatrons seem more interested in tearing down one member of the pro Obama team -- HRC and her hubby are wanted, to tour around speaking up for OBama you know -- than they are in (a) criticizing Palin themselves if they have any criticism to offer, or (b) trying to ensure evveryone on the pro Obama side doesn't fall into niternecine warfare when we have to ACT TOGETHER TO FIGHT THE REPUBLICANS.
To, you know, win and shit? And get stuff passed? For which you need 60 Senators? Including senators from NY WV OH CO and other places that are not CapitolHill Seattlle, Venice Beach CA or Upper West Side Manhattan?
Oh then you say Obama should be nice, and only surrogates should tear Palin's throat out. How convenient a fall back position. Also in P-I today:
Gregoire said of Palin "I congratulate my fellow Western Governor, Sarah Palin...[she made history] by being named the first remale, Republican" VP nominee..."she's been a committed public servant and dedicated mother [that's mother folks: as in traditional family sense!]," Gregoire said. "As a motehr myself, I sincerely commend her for that, knowing that it takes strong devoation [hey folks -- that be a code word for religion is okay-dokey with me!] and focus. Having worked with Governor Palin, I know that she truly believes in her work and has beeen a strong leader for Alaska and its people."
Well, that's not exactly tearing her throat out is it?
You guys can apologize now for being total dipshits with a complete hysterical double standard about HRC because you are not going to have a Slog post blasting Gregoire for complimenting Pail, are you. Nor one blasting Obama. And you can apologize for sitrring up internecine bad feelings on the Obama side.
And then you can just shut up with the stupid, double standard anti HRC chatter and get your asses out from in frontof the computer and go downtown and volunteer for Obama or go give more money or get a god damn bus and go to NV or MT or CO and volunteer so you put your effort where your big fat mouths are and start helping to bring about Obama's election, and change, and getting stuff passed, instead of being in the way of all those things.
check it out on real clear-- Obama is only ahead right now by the slimmest of margins (0.4 % on CO, without which he would LOSE the election this fall) (note there is no bumpt in CO as the latest polls show McCAin ahead of Obma there on that realclear chart). Please direct your fire at Republicans, not at Democrats.
We are waiting for your sincere apologies. don't worry we all make mistakes and we know you are carried away by your emotionalism for your dude OBama. You just need to direct that energy outside the tent, to the enemy, not to your friends here inside the big ol' Democratic party whom you should be trying to get to work even harder for Obama.
And you're welcome for this education.
I'm sure the big ol' apology/correction piece will be posted on Slog first thing Saturday morning as the writers have to get up see the paper and see how mistaken and unfair they were. It's 8:37 am by now. Surely they will do this by 10 am or so.
Oh another thing. Palin attacked the head of the GOP party in Alaska then took out an incumbent GOP governor who was corrupt -- you're not going to get too far attacking her for having a bad record, or no record at all. It just opens the door to let her talk about those things, which are admirable. She also got more money out of big oil companies to help the citizens of Alaska. Kind of what the Arab world did back in the 1950s to fight those nasty global oil companies? In their nationalist phases? So attacking corroptuion, fighting oil companies to get a better deal for the public are not exactly bad things and you woudn't want to criticize her because in contrast to that here is the number of corrupt Illinois governors Obama took out:
zero (though no shortage of corrupt Illinois governors)
and here is the amount by which Obama squeezed the oil companies to share their profits more:
Perhaps Obama has realized they are not going to get so far in attacking this lady from Alaska and that's why they turned off teh attacks?
Know your enemy, dudes. Most of all, attack your enemies, not your friends. At this poitn attacking HRC is a bit like GWB attacking Iraq--in terms of how dumb it is.
You should attack, you know, the folks you are attacking you. Capiche?
Unity, y'all,
She is more of the same from Republicans. Not only did she have the Commissioner of Public Safety fired when he refused to fire her little sister's ex-husband for bogus reasons, trumped up by her family, she may have perjured herself in the process, signing an affidavit that she had never made charges against the guy, when there is an e-mail from her to the state patrol making a charge against him, if this blog is true.
LOL! Sarah Barracuda is a great Christian patriot who gives John McCain the strength he needs to prevent the theft of America by Marxist homosexuals.
folks, isn't is interesting how rabid BOTH sides are as regards the positions of both #36 AND #37? i mean, neither one of them represents the MAJORITY of the population!! they're both 2 sides of the SAME coin....
So democrats say 'possesses a political resume far too thin' about the republican vice-president nominee but cry foul when republicans say the same about the democratic presidential nominee.
Given that far more governors have become effective presidents (for their party) than senators because of executive experience, a half-term governor is in a better position than a half-term senator to be an effective president (for their party). Putting one owns political disposition aside for a moment, saying that Sarah Palin’s resume is far too thin is a false statement.
Your boy said it first, idiot. Republicans are the biggest fucking wimps. You can't take what you dish out.
Just wait for the debates. You thought the speech was good, just wait for the debates.
They have NOTHING. They have NO solid ground to stand on and what little they had they chucked out the window when they picked Barbie for VP.
Yes Julie, BARBIE!
Keshmeshi: I've pissed you off so many times that you don't offer anything interesting in your retorts, just hostle cliches. It's getting boring dude.
This offers a clear moral choice for Clinton who can get her revenge on Obama by offering a tepid disapproval for Palin while still hoping she (Palin) derails Obama's election.
What Hillary SHOULD do is to call out McCain for this cynical and desperate ploy to suck Angry Hillary Voters into the Republican Party, the same party that has been antagonistic to women's rights from the get-go.
After researching sarah palin it's saddens
me that she would let her self be used in such a way this reminded me of how qualified woman often get passed up by woman who are simply prettier and well liked mainly by men for limeted reasons. now this has happend at the 2nd highest level in goverment. this is no step fowerd but rather backwards. coming from a man who likes his women strong she only displays submissiveness in the face of the man who chose her. for if she truly had the desire to be vp she personally would of wanted to meet mccain more than once and together they would elevated each other instead mccain seems to choose women who won't stand up for the right's over there own bodies and will. being tough mean's more then picking up a fire arm it's about how strong your will is and hillary shows us that and make's men question there own.
Did Biden in 30 years in the beltway - ever - take on big oil?
You know his own record will be on the table in debates - truth be told he is real law and order, pro cop, voted with banking to make it harder to file banrupcy ... etc.
Biden is far from progressive in my opinion.
I think this bold and assertive woman might clean his clock, sticking to her message, while he chatters on which is his style.
And what she did in Alaska in two years is impressive indeed. Gregoire take note. You get things done, solve problems and lead.
If the Palin appeal takes root in Wa, no coat tails, could be bad news for Gov. Chris.
Just sayin'
I have noticed that democrates always try to inspire those
who have lost hope but haven't given up on it completely
seeking to attack the tender side of humanity.
I have also noticed that republicans always try to control
those who's indifference & cynicism dominate them completely
attacking the jaded side of humanity.
having noticed that both sides use manipulation it's
importent to note that both are gulity of this country's
condition which means it's time for a compromise
they must meet on center ground or we all will suffer
a division worse then that of the civil war a division of our humanity! finding these's qualities in those we choose to govern is
key, Hard headedness on war, abortion, gun control, the enviorment, big oil, gay marrige and religion serves only the few. America is far more diverse then that and better then that compromise is our greatest strength people.
This is a race between Obama and McCain. Still undecided there, although I can give you insight into Sarah Palin (and I have MUCH
respect for Hillary Clinton). There blogs are AMAZING in their utter ignorance of the largest state in the nation - in size and in natural resources for this country! Alaska is much more diverse than you realize, with rural villages facing monumental problems to a student population in Anchorage and surrounding area speaking more languages per capita than some of our larger cities east of the Mississippi. Russia lies 53 miles to the east at the western border, and much of Alaska is surrounded by International waters with the challenge that brings to national security, as well as being the nation's northernmost first line of defense. The "town" of Wasilla is actually a hub to an area of over 70,000 and growing (having one of the fastest growth rates in the NATION). Alaska has very diverse needs across its many regions and peoples, yet Sarah Palin has brought consensus and trust once again in government across these regions. She took on Big Oil and won, took on her own party bosses and ended corruption, cut waste while increasing funding to education and local government, all while a mother of 5 (her husband is a big part of sharing parenting). Yes, she had a baby with Down Syndrome, rather that aborting it, as one blogger said 90% of women would (I find that belittling and very offensive after devoting 30 years working with disabled individuals). You may not agree with her position on PRO life, but she walks her walk!! As for the ethics investigation, it involves "good ole boys" in public safety who refused to discipline and take away badge and gun from a rogue trooper who TAZERED his 11 year old stepson, drank in his patrol car, drank drunk but got a ride home from another trooper rather than be charged, threatened to shoot his father-in-laws f.... head off, and had issues of DV with ex's. I guess she gets to be investigated by trumped charges of the "good ole boys" for trying to keep the public safe. Sarah is not Hillary, she is her own person: independent, full of grit and compassion, honest, straightforward, bright, articulate, and lives her values in her everyday life. That's who Sarah Palin is!
By the way, post #36: Andrew Halcro is part of the "good ole boy" machine that Sarah beat out, and his blog is full of spite and lies. Be careful the blogger you decide to believe, whatever your topic!!
Cindy i'm only concerned for her past of
trying to force one reliogin on to the whole
country wheather you like it or not there are those who always try to force one believe system over all.
example: if your not christian or catholic
your world view of gay marriage and abortion
may be differant or perhapes your pro science and you do have that right in this
country. people like her will try to make chistian law everyone's law and cindy we
know that point of view is not diverse thinking.
America also has buddhists, jews ,secular atheist and that's just to name a few and
under the constituion there beleves are
protected by a key phrase all men are created equally. when you come out strong
against abortion and gay marriage then your
saying i put christian law above all law that's not thinking diversely
"E pluribus unum" which is on the president's seal and vice president's seal it's latin for "out of many one" which means unity
that mean's the purpus of our leader is to
consider all point's of view and find a commen unity whether your christian, catholic, jewish, buddhist, hindu, muslim, or yes even if your atheist.
It's there duty to find commen ground between all the many voices of the united
states not just one voice. so she's lacking
in the abilty to bring unity to these fractured united states.
Beyond that id say she's on hell of a christian leader and a fine mother but we
need unity, not conformity to christian ideology.
Cindy the fact you have respeact for hillary tells me you understand what im saying. For respeact for someone else's opposite views is the breaking of the shell of conformity and for that i believe you
more capable of bringing unity then sarah palin.
The comments from all these so-called "progressive" "liberal" women show why McCain now has a decent chance of winning this thing - because our own Dem Party decided to rally around the image of young male inspiration instead of the reality of a woman who's worked hard and done everything imaginable to earn the nation's respect. And even more disgusting - that our Party is filled with women who'd rather deny the double-standards that exist and go on to spew the same subliminal mysongyny on not only a woman from the other side of the political aisle but also on the very woman who's professionalism and selflessness was bringing the Party back together. You little girls really need to sit back and have a reality check and quit acting like a bunch of total self-defeating IDIOTS. Gov. Palin is 10 times the woman of any of you, and Hillary? Can't even quantify her worth - she's priceless. I hope Obama's not planning on setting up a bunch of you bimbos to rah-rah for him, because trust me, you're all transparent, absolutely transparent, to the REAL WOMEN of this Party.
@8: Aren't you SO GLAD that Palin CHOSE not to terminate?
Her CHOICE made here a hero among your people.
To Hal regarding the experience between Palin and Obama....
Palin has run a city as mayor and a state as governor with a budget $10 billion.
Obama has been a community organizer (Get a Chicago newspaper and read about South side of Chicago, not the part of the neighborhood he lives in but the part where he was a "community organizer"....there were several errant gang-fire killings of innocent children over the weekend, by the way, this happens daily (ask his friend, Mayor Daley)...so much for organizing the community), he has been in the senate for 3 1/2 years (3 of which he was campaigning for the presidency), and by the way, he made sure that the incumbent could not even get on the ballot to compete with him (typical Chicago politics...you should read about it) so he ran in his party unopposed. Oh yea, he also ran "a political campaign". Oh, I forgot to mention that he wrote a book. I'll bet Michelle balances their checkbook. Michelle Obama is more qualified to be president than her husband. You need not worry about Sara Palin's experience as compared to Barak. He can deliver a hell-of-a speech, but the choice of leadership is all-too-obvious....McCain-Palin 08.
To Hal regarding the experience between Palin and Obama....
Palin has run a city as mayor and a state as governor with a budget $10 billion.
Obama has been a community organizer (Get a Chicago newspaper and read about South side of Chicago, not the part of the neighborhood he lives in but the part where he was a "community organizer"....there were several errant gang-fire killings of innocent children over the weekend, by the way, this happens daily (ask his friend, Mayor Daley)...so much for organizing the community), he has been in the senate for 3 1/2 years (3 of which he was campaigning for the presidency), and by the way, he made sure that the incumbent could not even get on the ballot to compete with him (typical Chicago politics...you should read about it) so he ran in his party unopposed. Oh yea, he also ran "a political campaign". Oh, I forgot to mention that he wrote a book. I'll bet Michelle balances their checkbook. Michelle Obama is more qualified to be president than her husband. You need not worry about Sara Palin's experience as compared to Barak. He can deliver a hell-of-a speech, but the choice of leadership is all-too-obvious....McCain-Palin 08.
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