Books I’m Seriously Considering Doing This
posted by July 28 at 14:00 PM
onI’ve already done National Novel Writing Month four times already, and now I’m seriously considering doing the 3-day Novel Contest over Labor Day Weekend. Hell, if you can write a novel in 30 days, how much of a jump, really, is it to 3 days? Those other 27 days were totally a cushion for my laziness, anyway.
This cat is writing a tune a day in July:
I don't think this, or the novel, is as hard as people think. Why is length of execution equated with relevance? Canonical worthiness? A fair amount of work that has lasted the test of time was whipped out quicker than you think.
Beethoven would talk post-dinner walks, would have themes for his late-period string quartets come wholesale to his head. There is a tradition in rock and pop music where the biggest selling singles of all time were just throw offs because the band had extra studio time and they shat something out.
Time doesn't mean as much as talent.
But dude, PAX is that weekend. Ixnay on the ovelnay.
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