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Friday, July 18, 2008

Ever Wonder What It’s Like to Be a News Intern?

posted by on July 18 at 17:13 PM

Do you enjoy trolling through mind-numbing court filings? Do you like taking long walks down to city hall to pick up always-exciting legislative action agendas? Do you wish you spent more time interviewing crazy people about everything from the fascinating world of mass transit to gay robot conspiracies?

Then have we got a job for you!

The Stranger’s news department is looking for a few good interns.

If you have any aspirations to be a journalist, can string together a sentence, and don’t mind acting as a drug mule every once in awhile, then send a resume and clips (if you have them) to

Stranger internships: You can’t say you hate it if you haven’t tried it.

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Why, no.

No, I don't.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | July 17, 2008 1:35 PM

Lke, wow, man...

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 17, 2008 1:35 PM

Nope, too gay.

Posted by Gaylord | July 17, 2008 1:37 PM

i'd rather work for seattle weekly

Posted by you know, where ecb started | July 17, 2008 1:41 PM

I agree with @3.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 17, 2008 1:48 PM

It's cool Will. You probably wouldn't have made it through the interview anyway.

Posted by Jonah S | July 17, 2008 1:59 PM

I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I doubt my schedule would work out, and they'd probably give me swirlies and shit because I'm 40+.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 17, 2008 2:05 PM

Ever wonder what it's like to work for free while your publishers (and Dan Savage) rake in big bucks?

Posted by bigyaz | July 17, 2008 2:08 PM

@8, ever wondered what it's like to be young and just starting your career in journalism -- or old and wanting to change tracks -- and have the opportunity to get on at an entry level with a publication that gives you the chance to interact with talented writers? To work in a smaller, collegial business environment devoid of the office policy/procedure bullshit of the dailies? To probably have a chance to get free tickets and tag-along rights to some of Seattle's best news-making and cultural happenings? To have hipster friends that can help you get laid and scratch that 420 jones when you need it?

Please, 8. You seem like a joyless toad. As I said, I'd be on this like stink on you.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 17, 2008 2:18 PM


Well, no.

No, I haven't.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | July 17, 2008 2:20 PM

JTC does make it sound pretty good.  I doubt I could pay my bills as an intern, but it's damned tempting.

Posted by lostboy | July 17, 2008 2:25 PM

@9: Ever the Stranger suck-up, huh JTC? It's pretty hypocritical of the Stranger to use all this free labor (just because it can) all the while pushing the pro-union, anti-corporate agenda. You can hate on the dailies all you want, but at least they pay a fair wage (entry-level reporter salary) to their interns.

You can rationalize it away all you want, but it stinks. If the situation were reversed you know damn well you'd be crapping all over the dailies. Deny that and we'll know how full of it you are.

Posted by bigyaz | July 17, 2008 2:26 PM

Some may say that not paying a working wage is unfair, but I say that if it helps keep Tim Keck in hookers and blow, I'm all for it!

Posted by NapoleonXIV | July 17, 2008 2:31 PM

@12, having completed numerous internships in my salad days -- Indiana State Senate, various corporations, two non-profits -- ALL for no money (I had the good fortune to be born into a family that could push a few coins in my direction), I have absolutely no problem, at all, with any organization -- flag-waving socialist or craven capitalist -- offering little to no money for the opportunity.

Maybe I'm deluded, maybe I'm a sucker, but I was raised with the concept of "paying your dues." That means you don't get the corner office or the company car when you just start out. I interview people all the time in my job and am amazed how many recent college grads feel they ought to be paid six figures and have a seat on the corporate jet. I'm sure there's a story to be written about the genesis of this entitlement, but I don't have time to write it.

And I'm hardly a Stranger suck-up. In another post I just accused Jen Graves of being clueless about anal sex. I can't think of a bigger body blow to a Stranger staffer, frankly.

At the end of the day, bigayz, if you can get an internship that pays well, good for you. Honest. But I'm not going to start singing the International and set myself on fire in front of the Stranger offices because they don't pay their interns.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 17, 2008 2:35 PM

Slow day at the bank, eh?

Posted by Hey, Slurpee! | July 17, 2008 2:53 PM

@9 Do you get 10% off your 420 with your Stranger Loyalty Card?

Posted by Maxie Mounds | July 17, 2008 2:56 PM

I would imagine being a Stranger intern would be a similiar experience to being married to Donald Trump or Larry King but without the financial rewards or pepaw dick sucking.

Posted by michael strangeways | July 17, 2008 2:56 PM

I'd do it just to have the opportunity to stir the hornet nest that is ECB, but I've got too many bills to pay to quit my job for that.

Posted by If only | July 17, 2008 3:00 PM


The dailies require looong internships; the copyeditor internship lasts three years. And, yeah, if I could afford it, I'd much rather take a few-month, unpaid internship at The Stranger than bust my ass for trivial pay at a daily.

Posted by keshmeshi | July 17, 2008 3:09 PM

@9 Hey Cornball, I don't know how to easily break this to you, because you're obviously in complete denial...But you are indeed a full-blown Stranger suck-up.

But at least you have hipster friends to help you get laid..

Posted by Magic Space Goggles | July 17, 2008 3:10 PM

You know, they used to pay us back when I worked at small daily papers ...


It's like the college and university papers I worked at - no pay, long hours, and lots of abuse by those who can't write their way out of a paper bag ... um, wait, I meant reusable hemp cloth bag.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 17, 2008 3:15 PM

The P-I has an ad for unpaid interns.

Posted by Just being helpful | July 17, 2008 3:29 PM

@19 ..And then what? Bust your ass for trivial pay at a place like the the Stranger? Be my guest, I'd rather work at a real paper.

Posted by Go Fish | July 17, 2008 3:31 PM

@20, whatever works for you, bub. Check my record and I think you'll find I've paid credit where credit is due, and called bullshit on some of the stink-o product.

I very much enjoy The Stranger overall, however, which is why I come here. I guess I'd be more worried about myself if I loathed it and came here anyway.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 17, 2008 3:39 PM

@19: There are plenty of shorter opportunities, including summer internships for college students. But thanks for playing.

Paid internships make it possible for lower-income folks to participate; they don't need Mommy and Daddy footing the bill for rent, etc., thus opening it up to a more diverse population.

Posted by bigyaz | July 17, 2008 3:53 PM

@24 It works for me, pal. Your glowing paragraph at #9 pretty much sums it up for me.

Posted by Magic Space Goggles | July 17, 2008 4:15 PM

Now, "Yaz," it's just not true that our unpaid internships exclude "lower-income" folks from working here. I was going to college, working two incredibly shitty jobs—while also working at a college paper—and showing up at the Stranger's offices 3-5 days a week. Which is why I'm on staff now.

Finally, I'm not sure whether ST has paid internships or not—you'd know better than I, being an employee and all—but IF you do, with the way things are going for dailies, I can't imagine you guys'll be paying your interns much longer.

Thanks for playing.

Posted by Jonah S | July 17, 2008 4:48 PM

Where did Bigyaz say he/she was a ST employee? Or are you inferring that because you have some problem with the ST? The Stranger isn't a guild newspaper, is it? That's so gay.

Posted by Mansplatttttt | July 17, 2008 4:55 PM

While you're here, Jonah?

Tell us more about those gay robot conspiracies....

Posted by NapoleonXIV | July 17, 2008 5:01 PM

No, Yaz did not claim to be a Seattle Times staff member. That said, I can confirm that Yaz does indeed work at ST.

And NappyD, it's too dangerous for me to reveal the secrets of the conspiracy here on Slog. I'll write you a coded letter.

Posted by Jonah S | July 17, 2008 5:13 PM

Jonah - how can you confirm that? Was the email sent on his/her Times email address? You can fake those, you know.

Posted by Wondering in Madrona | July 17, 2008 5:20 PM

I smell burning martyr.

Posted by LMSW | July 17, 2008 5:50 PM


Is this my cue to give head to the entire staff of The Stranger? I am apparently a total suck-up, you know...

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 18, 2008 5:20 PM


That's the headiest thing I've ever read.

Posted by Unpaid O'Mosexual | July 18, 2008 5:31 PM

You shouldn't talk to yourself, JTC, it's unbecoming.

Posted by w7ngman | July 18, 2008 5:38 PM

@35, ???

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 18, 2008 5:47 PM

I'd consider it, but I don't like drugs, already work two jobs, take care of a sick wife and three kids, and write for free on my own already...

That said, I'm sure it would be a good opportunity for someone to get some experience in writing and doing research. I'd take them up on it otherwise.

Posted by unwelcomed | July 18, 2008 6:18 PM

I'm also too old and already have a full time job. But I could see myself jumping at the opportunity to gain experience in the field if I were just out of college. And given the tasks delegated to Stranger interns (squeezing mysterious fluids out of the back end of a dog, for example) I would look forward to someday being able to mesmerize my grandchildren with my stories.

Posted by RainMan | July 18, 2008 8:03 PM

the sad truth is that the printed zine is going the way of the dinosaur. What's left here is a ragtag bunch of folks hyping up news that we already know about last week. I still appreciate the mag when i'm on the shitter or eating somewhere though.

Posted by bobcat | July 19, 2008 12:55 AM

@39, "when i'm on the shitter or eating somewhere though."

Ahhh...the circle of life.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 19, 2008 8:50 AM

Keep swinging Cornball!

Posted by Liston | July 19, 2008 9:14 AM

@41, at your service, sir.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 19, 2008 10:17 AM


How long do ya wanna keep this thread going anyway? I'm here, on Tha Laptop, in the sun, with the Mai Tai. I'm not gay, but I'm game, just the same. Who wants to fight on Teh Intarwebs?

Oh and, BTW Jube, that's the swingingest thing I've ever read. Luv ya Jube, SLOG Happy next month?

Just sayin'. Or askin'. Or whatever.

Posted by The Incredible Frank Sinatra | July 19, 2008 6:26 PM

@43, you're talking to yourself...

But yeah, SLOG Happy. Whoever you are.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 19, 2008 6:47 PM

state labor law should dictate min. wage pay for anyone at a for profit business

for me, it is an issue of fairness

charity work, non profits stuff, or church stuff is a different category

smells of serfdom and some sort of servitude

unpaid intern smells the same, too, as training wage which goes on too long at some corporate trash companies

Posted by Adam | July 19, 2008 9:53 PM

@45, I think it's a bit harsh to say that Unpaid Intern smells, but I'll let him/her speak for themselves.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | July 20, 2008 6:12 AM

@30: While I do have ties to the Times, I am not in fact a Times employee. Get your facts right before making such claims.

Of course, if I didn't want anyone to know that fact, I would make the minimal effort required to hide my IP address. Apparently Stranger bloggers feel the need to track those who would dare to post criticism of their esteemed publication.

Posted by bigyaz | July 21, 2008 10:10 AM

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