Books Reading Tonight
posted by June 6 at 10:06 AM
onWe have a student reading, a tough-guy mystery, and a book about utopia today, as well as some other things.
Up at Third Place Books, Jennie Shortridge reads from The Coffee Shop at the Center of the Universe, which is about a woman who finds a new life as a barista. I found a new life as a barista once. The pay and the hours sucked, but having a little tax-free pocket money at the end of the day was really nice. Tip your barista, folks!
At the Seattle Public Library, we have David Guterson, the author of Snow Falling on Cedars, with his new novel The Other. It appears to be about two friends and a web of lies. And it’s local, for those of you who enjoy reading about the area of the country in which you live.
At University Village Barnes and Noble, Dale Brown, author of military-type action-fests, reads from his new one, Shadow Command. This one isn’t well-received, even from big Brown fans. From Amazon, where the book is receiving a one-star review from readers like odyssey “odyssey,” which shows the hope that springs eternal in thriller fans:
Silly characters aside, you can always count on Dale Brown to put you in the cockpit. Until now. Gone are intense and lengthy action sequences of flight. Instead we receive mundane politics set in a predictable mideast upheaval. I can’t wait for his next novel. He must be rested and ready to get us all back into flightworthy action. There wasn’t any here.
And at Elliott Bay Book Company, James W. Douglas reads from JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. This isn’t a nutso conspiracy book, by the way, and I’ve heard JFK’s name being bounced around so many times in comparison with a certain Democratic presidential nominee whose name rhymes with Tarack Bobama that people who are interested should come and check this reading out. Being compared with JFK has its good points and its bad points.
Full readings calendar, including the next week or so, is up and running.
It's not really tax free. It's just they don't pay taxes on it.
Kind of like what CEOs and certain fund managers do ...
By the way, slashdot reported the Amazon web site dropped offline for an hour today, so you might want to buy the book next week ...
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